I am very encouraged by the most recent posts, especially given how great your ponds are. A lot of the time I'm counting as time spent working on the pond was research time--I did tons and tons of it, every night, and I still am doing it (as you patient folks can probably tell from all of my questions). It has been my hope that a lot of things would balance out biologically, but I have water additives on hand just in case, like a security blanket. My waterfalls are still grossly imperfect, I have basically no pond plants, and the landscaping around the pond still has a ways to go. So I know next year will be a very busy one, too, and that's fine. I am hoping, however, that the time I spend on the pond in the years that follow more reflect me being obsessive and a perfectionist than building and repairing problems. Fixing water loss started driving me crazy; I had at least 5 different causes of it, so when I knew I fixed "the" problem and then lost water anyway the next day, over and over again, well, that got rough. I look forward to joining the ranks of you long-timers and having a better balance of labor versus enjoyment, and it's nice to know that it will eventually happen. And also that my fish will eventually start liking (or at least not fearing) me, too. It will be a new day in my yard when those days finally get here.
OK, I hate to do it, but I have a few more questions. Or should I ask them in topic-specific areas? I broke the upload-pond-pictures-when-first-posting protocol, with poor results, and I don't want a repeat. Should I ask my additional and endless questions in this thread, or would it be best to add them to other threads/forums so that the answers can be available in a more topically relevant location? I am so happy to have found this forum and you nice and knowledgeable people who spend time here. I appreciate your help and hope one day to be able to similarly offer insight to others. (I'll certainly be able to let people who make mistakes know that they have company!)