JW did you ever have the wild guppies? I have had colonies of wild guppies in three different tanks for 25 years. They are very small and not fancy like the guppies in the pet store. I bought four big colorful guppies and put them in the ten gallon with all the wild guppies, hoping to breed some of the "wild" out of them but now the wild guppies are all suddenly dieing in that tank, but the new fancy guppies look great and had babies that also look great, so long as I keep picking out the small dead wild guppies ..... now my hubby calls me the "killer" and I am sad. But on the other hand maybe I will get just one tank with big fancy guppies, which is all I ever wanted, but if one wild guppie left it may interbreed and call the rest to go wild.
I have an exciting new idea for spring, I saw that little tank that the koi guy posted somewhere, looked like it had wild guppies in it. I want to make a miniature garden with my succlents, and have a mini one gallon pond, stocked with little guppies, with a home made fairey house!