My filter box is fed from the pump to the bottom of the filter box, it goes through the plastic balls, then through the filter clothes, then the 3 foam filters, grade course, medium, then fine
The medium traps the really bad stuff, the others filter the smaller particles
As long as the filter pads are cleaned every week they might do the job
The plastic balls trap the mud in them, they get washed out as well, but I try and keep as many bug life in there as I can
My pump says its supposed to pump 4000 liters and hour, I think it must be close because it can empty my pond in about an hour
Anyway have a look at the pictures
The medium traps the really bad stuff, the others filter the smaller particles
As long as the filter pads are cleaned every week they might do the job
The plastic balls trap the mud in them, they get washed out as well, but I try and keep as many bug life in there as I can
My pump says its supposed to pump 4000 liters and hour, I think it must be close because it can empty my pond in about an hour
Anyway have a look at the pictures