My pond is green

Jul 28, 2024
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United Kingdom
Well my uv is priceless. Never heard of algae mutation. Never had a prob since I got the light & filter
I had the UV light in my pond, I had lots of algae in my pond, I used to use a rake to haul it out, I tied putting it in a composter, the dam stuff doesn’t even rot, in the end I let it dry out and burnt it
Oct 28, 2013
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Northern IL
So much bad information being shared here. Filtration is of course necessary - UV is not. First you said sunlight grows algae; then you mentioned 100 degree temps. Which is it? I have both sunlight AND high heat in summer, don't use a UV and my pond is not green. I have lots of plants and I can STILL see my fish. So what's the difference?

UV is only useful for single celled floating algae. And I use the term "useful" lightly. It will kill it, but then you're left with a pond full of dead algae, which only feeds more algae.

Reduce the nutrient load in your pond; more plants, fewer fish, feed less, grow more bacteria, remove rotting organic material. It's the only way to KEEP algae from becoming an issue.
Oct 10, 2024
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I have a pond, 6 feet long, 3 feet wide, 4 feet deep

It has a waterfall with sponge filters in it, fed by a pump, no fish, no plants yet

The water has gone green like pea soup

The pond is sterile, even the snails died, there are no frogs, newts, just a lot of bugs that I think are shrimp something like them

I have put in barley straw bundles in the hope they will clear this green water

I have been told to try this Walsted method

I’ve never heard of it

My pond was filled over a month ago now, probably longer

All I want is a clear pond to put fish in it

I am open to all suggestions

I haven’t put a net over it yet, no fish in there for the herons, but he does hang around
I tried uv lighting filter and pumped filter just like you and the only way that has worked really well is a pea shingle little pond at the top of my water race with plants in (iris etc). Plants thrive in pea shingle and water is crystal clear.once a year I clear the shingle/plants of waste (rinse) and the fish have gone from for to twenty by themselves!? Mesh is essential as heron cleared pond twice .relocate frogspawn out of pond as it kills the fish!

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