Mine have changed in 2 months, up to a year and a half! I have a baby from last year that just got done changing to orange a month ago. Still has just a tinge of black on the outside edges of it's tail and pectoral fins. Wish that would stay, it's really pretty, but I'm pretty sure it will all change to orange. Some are short finned, some long finned.
But, I love the black fantail I got! It was a bronze color when I purchased it at Wal-Mart, and then changed to black within the first day or two. Don't see it much, unless it comes up above another fish, but have seen it each time I've gone into the pond to pull lily pads. No buggy out eyes, either, just a normal fantail. Wonder if it will stay that way, since it was bronze, or if it will change to orange eventually? Time will tell! All other fantails I have chosen except one orange and white (similar to the one that disappeared that I loved and got from Pond Guy) are all tri colored.
Your babies are very colorful, Keith! Love how you have several that are tri colored. I still have not reproduced a single Shubbie, but did buy several new ones last winter and put them in the pond this spring, so hoping those will reproduce next year. And, I have that huge Shubbie from PG, so hopefully it will be prolific!