My goldfish pond

Jul 2, 2012
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Cape Cod, MA
CometKeith said:
Capewind/Addy that sounds great about your lilies. Do you have any pictures of them?
We only have a few pads floating on the water right now. Had a cold snap, and they yellowed out, so hubby gave them a heavy prune while he was in the pond with them ... what amazed me was all the new "leaves" at the tuber (or whatever that stump like thing is called) ... not to mention the size of them ... When they were all repotted in the spring, nothing was longer than 6-8" per new pot ... the biggest one (a red stemmed one the CE sent), hubby "snapped in half" so that it would FIT into the 5 gallon nursery pot, and had a girth of a good 5-6 inches.
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Yep, they will multiply fast. Maybe your hubby will be able to sell plants from his pond when he builds new ponds! Talk about making some big money on the side!!!
My Georgia Peach continues to be my all time favorite, thanks to Addy. The 2 yellow lilies are a close second, they are from Larkin. He's not sure if they are tropical, so I will bring one inside, as he says the pale blue one is tropical. The newest one from Addy is also very pretty, has several colors when the flower opens, but it was not here long enough to bloom too much. Next year I'm going to guess it will be fabulous!
Keith, I think the WH love hot weather, so any cool snap may have shut them down, whereas the WL must like cooler weather. Who knows. Nice you still have such great plants floating on your pond. I can't believe how many bullfrogs I have, and the fact they are croaking every night is incredible for October! I wonder if it's possible that huge one is a female, will lay eggs, and tadpoles will overwinter? Probably not, but just was a thought ...
Jul 2, 2012
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Cape Cod, MA
CountryEscape said:
Yep, they will multiply fast. Maybe your hubby will be able to sell plants from his pond when he builds new ponds! Talk about making some big money on the side!!!
Ya, about that ... He gives too much away LOL. I really should set up an area in the greenhouse to get some pond plants going for next spring to sell, as I did make a nice little profit off of all that extra parrots feather I had in that kiddie pool. Right now he is making inexpensive, animated Halloween props that he is selling. Didnt exactly plan on selling them, he was making them for our yard, and then a friend stopped by and asked if he could make him one, and then that person's brother asked for one ... now doing another, and I have 5 more motors on order LOL. This is the newest one, but it was just a test run to check the length of the rod for the head height ... Not the best quality video.

CountryEscape said:
My Georgia Peach continues to be my all time favorite, thanks to Addy. The 2 yellow lilies are a close second, they are from Larkin. He's not sure if they are tropical, so I will bring one inside, as he says the pale blue one is tropical.
I want some of the blue ones that I have seen, but they are always tropical ... I am done with bringing plants inside .. well, except for the black taro ... I guess that one is going in front of the slider for the winter ...

CountryEscape said:
The newest one from Addy is also very pretty, has several colors when the flower opens, but it was not here long enough to bloom too much. Next year I'm going to guess it will be fabulous!
Cant wait to see it:)

CountryEscape said:
Keith, I think the WH love hot weather, so any cool snap may have shut them down,
I never got around to ordering my WHs this year, but last year, with having hundreds of them, I think they loved when the pond water was 70+ but they HATED being in full sun of summer, and bounced back again when it cooled a bit (cool as in upper 70s) .. Ours did good right through the end of Oct, but each time we got a cold snap, I had a lot of pruning to do ...

CountryEscape said:
whereas the WL must like cooler weather. Who knows. Nice you still have such great plants floating on your pond.
I want to try some WL but have heard so many mixed views on them. Until we get some trees planted, I worry how they will do in the full sun our ponds get...
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
Cape Cod, MA
The "profit" will end up in the backyard around the ponds:) Will try to post a better video later to its own thread of it completed.
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Cool for Halloween! I didn't know the blue was tropical, but he said any (or most anyhow) lily that blooms way out of the water on it's stem is tropical. It has a HUGE footprint, about 6' in diameter, and larger leaves than any of my other lilies, but it sure did bloom nicely, so it gets to stay ... in the basement for the winter. He said just to prune it back to only one or two leaves, and put it in a pot of water and let it go. I'll probably put the artificial lighting on it with the taro plants, too. My small taro I got 2 years ago is still that ... small. The plant I got from Larkin was very small, but is very large now. Pretty sure that's the large one I have and my other one is still tiny. Found the little one after pulled a bunch of penny wart out of the koi bog. Poor thing, didn't get much light under all that mess. LOL Then I have 3 huge pots all tropical plants, that sit on the deck. One is spindle palm with smaller house plants at the base, then canna and mujo or something like that banana tree, and the 3rd pot has more elephant ears in it. Guess I will see how they do inside. They all did fine last year, didn't hardly grow during the time in the house, but didn't die. Spindle palm put out very few leaves this year. Maybe next year it will grow more, but growing very slow is a good thing, IMO.
Nov 11, 2010
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Chicago Area
Hardiness Zone
United States
Well the temps finally dropped out of the 70's a few days ago and it's hovering in the 50's and low 60's burrr.... I took these pictures a few days ago, but the pond pretty much looks the same now. I guess at some point the plants will turn brown. I switched to fall food and only feeding every day or so now. I threw in a picture of one of two kittens that were in the street by us the other day. The mom was trying to get them to cross it so I helped her a little and the situation created sort of a traffic jam! Also throwing in a cool picture of the sun hitting a piece of glass we have. I never saw this reflection before. The last picture is of the babies from last year. They are getting bigger and a lot of them have pretty colors. No babies this year.... Too many hungry mouths!


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water gardener / gold fish and shubunkins
Jun 23, 2010
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Frederick, Maryland
Hardiness Zone
United States
Neat reflection. My big pond very seldom has fry in it. The shubbie tank had a bunch this year, only a few shubbies in a 1000 gallons, so some eggs survived.


mad hatter
May 1, 2012
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Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
Your pond still looks beautiful thanks to your beautiful weather Keith! My pond plants have long since froze and the water is very cold now, fish still eating the algae but moving very slow now. My lily pads have turned yellow and my big water iris is slumping over and starting to crumple. The trees here now are getting bare and the ground around my pond is covered in yellow leaves. Thank goodness for the big pond nets or I would be busy netting out the leaves!

Nice to see you still have the summer touch still going on, and you are lucky to still have temperatures so mild, enjoy it while it lasts! Poor little Kitty's, they need a good home, hope they they find one soon!
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
I have a few lilies (one being the supposed tropical blue one!) blooming lightly, and lo and behold, the Perrys Sunset (I think that might be the name) from Addy had a bloom on it yesterday, too! Otherwise, plants are beginning to wane, not growing, just slowing down and very slowly dying. Nights are getting down to 40, few high 30's, so I need to move the spindle palm and tropical banana tree with canna inside this weekend. Your pond still looks so green and fresh, Keith! Must be the location in your yard, and protection from wind, which I don't have here, even though I'm far south of you.


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
Wish my pond still looked all full w/ plants like your does now Keith. Mine are all trying to head off to sleep even w/ the sunshine we have been having lately but the temps at night dip down to freezing preventing them from growing. Was trying to see the reflection you were talking about and then realized that it was on the wall down below. I thought at first it was a whole other glass piece. Sure made an almost perfect double of the real one. Cute little kitty and wonder where they were going? Were they wild do you think? Hope they found a safe place away from the road and yep they need a good home.
Jun 25, 2013
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Hardiness Zone
United States
Comet Keith you sure have some cute fishies and your pond looks like its not seen any cooler temps yet.

CE I only have 1 bloom left in the pond from one you sent me. Dark pink very pretty. Still hanging on even though most of my pads are yellowed. I should get in the pond and cut them all back but water was 48 degrees this am. Burrrrrr :)
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
My water is the same, Haver, and I don't remember cutting back the lilies before, just letting them die as they do, and then collecting the dead stuff from the skimmer, but it sure would be easier to pull as many leaf stems/pads as possible ahead of time! Some of my lilies are not easily accessible from the side of the pond, though, and I sure don't intend to go into it to do any pruning right now! :blueflower:
Nov 11, 2010
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Chicago Area
Hardiness Zone
United States
Thanks Addy, i have never seen it before so I think it's like in the Mayan temples that the sun hits something at the winter equinox at a certain time of the day and you can't see it the rest the year! I took a good look at the pond today hoping there might be a few babies that showed up before the winter but nope.
Thanks Colleen, your pond really must be cold now. i took a few pictures today. Even though its in the 40's today we had a few days in the 60's this week and my fish are pretty active. J.W. Don't know what happened to the kitties but since I think they are alley cats who know what happened to them. I am allergic to cats so no cats for me! They were incredibly cute though. I had to stop my car because they were just laying in the middle of the street. Another car stopped there too and the mother cat was scared and wouldn't come close. Finally we figured out which side of the street she wanted them on and she grabbed them by the neck and pulled them away!
Thanks Haver, we had a super warm Sept and Oct this year until about mid Oct and the temps started dropping.
Oh I cleaned some leaves up and took a few pics. I removed the last few water hyacinths because they were browning out. You can actually see the fish a lot better with a lot of the plants gone. I haven't fed them in over a week or so because of the really cool temps and also so busy with work but they are all looking good and it looks like a few of them grew since I last saw them.


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mad hatter
May 1, 2012
Reaction score
Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
Yes Keith, my pond is getting very cold and I had some thin ice the other day. We have had a few nights of very hard frost so everything looks pretty dead now. The trees are now mostly bare and all the leaves have pretty much fallen. Halloween was night at least, no freezing tempertures that night, but now I see the weather has changed again, we got lots of cold wet rain mixed with snow right now... :(

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