Misc ramblings...

Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
Cape Cod, MA
Our whole backyard is a contruction zone with pricey projects going, and we dont have a lot of money to spend. Last time I added, we need about $20,000 for materials. If I sat here thinking 20 grand, I would get frustrated and likely give up on it all. Instead, it's buy an item or two here and there. Sounds silly, but I have materials organized in my head as to the when we can buy the needed materials.

We are desperately short on rocks, the main pond is still lacking ... one whole side of the main pond only has one course of rocks, of three needed. I refuse to pay $300-400 per pallet for them. We can go to the pit (because we have done so much business there), and hand pick what we want out of their piles with our truck and machine, for $50 ton, but it's a half day project. Unless we need rocks to SECURE the liner, we just wait and hope hubby finds some on job sites. Not going well there. Since the first of the year, he has only scrounged up about a pickup truck worth ,, not going to go far, but he'll keep watching and bring them home as he finds them.

He has block work going, that hasnt been touched since last summer. Again a material cost issue. The blocks are $400 per pallet ... We still need 6 more pallets, and I think two pallets of cap block. Because of distance, the supplier wants $200 to deliver, and to take our truck is $100 in diesel to go there, so we wait ... He has a wall job coming up (summer), so when he does that job, will get 1-2 pallets for us at the same time ... in the meanwhile, this bed looks like crap ...

But am patient as I know how much I'll love it, someday, when it gets done. We have a fountain that is going there (used to be out front til someone tried to steal her) ...

This isnt a flattering picture, but when he got this section of wall done, I quickly put items in it (mostly my veggies LOL) ... the mulch was left over from another job ...

This are still looks about the same now ... No pavers in the small walkway between the steps ... need better rocks on the boulder retaining wall to the left, no cap block on the patio ... no pavers on the patio (just gravel and extra stone dust from another clients yard) ... no posts/railing yet on the patio (will be posts will plexiglass panels) ...

This is an older picture but the only one I can find showing the area wide open ... to the right of the back door is the bed that you can see the start of in the first picture ... it's 18' wide along the house, and protrudes 14' ... like I said, 6 more pallets of wall block there ... coming off the wall where I planted the veggies (3rd picture), the patio will be 18' wide there (away from the house) ... that is where the normal patio furniture will be going, the grill (built in) and the general hangout area ... this whole area will be bordered by HIS big pond ... minimum liner width will be 50' ...

I am a firm believer in where there's a will, there's a way. My yard looks like crap with multi projects going, but I am okay with it. He has his goals of what he wants, and enjoys working in the yard. So what if it will take years to get the basics in. As we have some extra money in the budget, we'll throw more at the project. We dont go anywhere (neither of us are the vacation sort, prefer to be home with family) and really dont spend money foolishly. The biggest thing we squabble over is I do NOT spend money on myself like a lot of women do. Our younger daughter talked me in to going with her, almost 2 yrs ago to get our nails done. With all the crap they put on, I discovered I can be meaner to my nails (dont break, which hurts LOL), so have kept with getting them done. I am SUPPOSED to go every 2 weeks to get fills ... I think it is silly, I can go atleast a month before they need to be redone ... Hubby kicked me in the ass yesterday, and drove me, to be sure I did them. It's all of $25 (well $30 with tip) LOL. I refuse to have a car payment (I think it is foolish to pay finance charges - waste of money) and dont want a NEW car (cars come here to die LOL)... dont believe in credit cards, so no credit card debt .. really, the only place I spend a good deal of money is at the grocery store, and even then, target the sales to stock up on the pantry items.
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
Cape Cod, MA
Everything you see in the backyard (even the ponds) were put in April - Sept 2012. We lost our house (and most of our dogs) 3-31-07 to a major house fire. Took time to get through all the hoops Conservation threw at us (they wanted to claim our land), get the new house built, and finally moved in April 2009. The backyard got nothing aside from backfilling the foundation. Here's what the backyard looked like in 2010. Nothing at all was done to the back other than mow til he started last spring.

Hubby had drawn on paper what he wanted the backyard to be (the deal was I could draw whatever I wanted for a house, he got the yard) ... I say have at it, we'll FIND the money. He had to go five years with no pond (time of the fire through to last year, thus the 750 in the basement), and that is something that means a lot to him. We/the yard wasnt ready for the pond when it went in last year, but he had just done another pond install and was feeling down. I suggested the current location, as it was out of the way. It isnt what he wants, so will eventually become my comet/shubunkin pond. The true purpose of this next pond is for his lilies (he is obcessed with lilies) but as long as they are smallish and not destructive, the ebay babies will go there too, to grow, and be reduced in time to our keepers (which will then get moved in with the rest of the koi) ...

Bills suck, but like I said, where there's a will, there's a way. I've found a few creative ways to save money.

Neither of us LIKES change, so it automatically goes to a jug. We dont notice the money missing. With the last 5 gallon water jug (takes us a year to fill), I figured it averages $70 per inch. Looks to me like the change jug has enough it in to cover the costs of a 45 mil 20x25 liner...

So the pond liner is covered. We need another liner for the waterfall/baby river ... well, in the next couple of weeks, he is removing a small pond (not only small, but not done right) and installing a new pond ... planning on stealing their old liner if there are no leaks for the waterfall ... if not, I'll have to suck it up and buy a liner for that, but I am hoping ...

Another thing I do is since I have to be home to deal with the phone and paper work end of the business, and have lots of time to be online, I plan out my grocery shopping. Watch the flyers and print coupons ... I dont give in to suggestive selling, but ONLY buy my normal items ..,, just if there is a sale, or I have some great coupons, will buy a lot of that item ... I think most are familar with the grocery store cards ... and those save with card items ... after shopping, I look at the bottom of my receipt to see what I saved between sales and coupons.. I then go online to our bank accounts and move the shopping savings from checking to savings ... HALF of whatever I save this way goes to extra principle on our mortgage each month, and the other half goes towards the "I WANTS" ...

Other little things ,, I dont go get a coffee every morning any more, but make it at home... instead of driving all over multi times a day, I try to combine trips ... just little things that add money back to the budget.


Jul 21, 2008
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st. mary's county, md.
Hardiness Zone
United States
Capewind - I would kill to have your level yard. We are on a hill so everything takes extra work. Right now Lowes is building the new deck. It took them 3 days to get all of the old one down ( working on a hill and 12' up)! Siding, gutters, windows and doors are next week and a total remodel of the bathroom in May. That just leaves all the yard projects- stone paver path to ponds (stone is sitting on a pallet since last year), 50 gallon pond up front but can't do that till the windows are replaced. Problem is hubby and I are not getting any younger and we are also taking care of the neighbors yard as her husband passed away last year. And yes, her hillside yard is worse than ours! Have one stock tank filter moved back and I just need to run the plumbing for it and then I can start on the second one. I salvaged the posts from the old deck to use to make pathway around the ponds. We also pulled out the azaleas from the side of the house but haven't done anything yet. No sense in having new plants get trampled. Still have to buy the hostas for the area but that will be fun. Don't we all just love being homeowners?
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
Cape Cod, MA
I was going to say it isnt as level as you'd think (long slight slope), but if you have a cliff, then it IS level LOL.

There's always things that need to be done ...


Jan 17, 2011
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Axton virginia
Hardiness Zone
United States
I wonder if the cop is steering with his ummm well you know what .I started with red clay and a house 9 years ago .But would never do it again .friends went to look at a house for sale on Bunny Trail road in NC and gosh what a house and view they took pics so I could see them .I think they said it was 179 thousand


water gardener / gold fish and shubunkins
Jun 23, 2010
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Frederick, Maryland
Hardiness Zone
United States
Poor colleen, you were having warmer weather than us just a little while ago.


Dec 15, 2008
Reaction score
Michigan zone 5b


Jan 17, 2011
Reaction score
Axton virginia
Hardiness Zone
United States
never understood we go and live in other countries and do not change there customs or force what we believe on them .But here we allow it .What is wrong with the pledge and in god we thrust .Why should the schools and the government allow this to happen .I remember when i went to school you did what you were told not what ever you chose to do .We need to step back and take a good look .
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
Cape Cod, MA
It's all about being a touchy feely, feel good society. Dont want to make any one feel bad for disagreeing or being different.

Speaking of schools ... Local friends are having major issues with the school right now. Child is in 6th grade and very bright. She kepts getting F's and INAPPROPRIATE written on her reports ... The issue??? It is too advanced for the other students. Her work makes them FEEL BAD, that they are not as smart as she is. She is being told that she needs to use SMALLER WORDS and LESS DETAILS so that the other students can understand it. I thought her mom may be exagerating a wee bit til I saw some of her work, I felt her work was AGE APPROPRIATE.


Dec 15, 2008
Reaction score
Michigan zone 5b
atheists under the guise of political correctness,, are at the root of it. like Billy Graham said about political correctness.(AKA the anti-truth) everybody worries about offending everyone but GOD! and at the root of all this political corretness is the ACLU.. THE AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION.. but what it really stands for is..ANTI CHRISTIAN LIBERTIES UNION. the ACLU and PLANNED PARENTHOOD are both the works of Satan.. they both seek to destroy the christian values and beliefs this country was founded on.


Jun 30, 2011
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Hardiness Zone
capewind said:
It's all about being a touchy feely, feel good society. Dont want to make any one feel bad for disagreeing or being different.

Speaking of schools ... Local friends are having major issues with the school right now. Child is in 6th grade and very bright. She kepts getting F's and INAPPROPRIATE written on her reports ... The issue??? It is too advanced for the other students. Her work makes them FEEL BAD, that they are not as smart as she is. She is being told that she needs to use SMALLER WORDS and LESS DETAILS so that the other students can understand it. I thought her mom may be exagerating a wee bit til I saw some of her work, I felt her work was AGE APPROPRIATE.
Sad, isn't it? Dumbing down the smarter kids so everyone feels smart. Much easier than actually trying to teach the slower kids anything!

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