Dont get me going on cell phones! I am soooo against texting and driving. I will take a SHORT call while driving, but I mean under a minute. I am a great multi tasker, but I need to be watching out for the idiots ...
NOT car related, but was getting annoyed with a rude person today on her cell ... Hubby took me over to get my nails done ... that sounds bad in itself LOL ... I put off going, and he gets on me to get them done (the I dont do enough FOR ME, but focus on everyone else) ... so anyways, we were there shortly after the place opens ... being worked on, and hubby, I and the man doing my nails notice a woman come in, LOUDLY talking on the phone (not in English either, she was Brazilian) ... Think she'll get off when the tech takes her... nope .. she chatted the entire time she got her new set done (for the guys, a new set takes about 45 minutes) ... once the tech was done, she hung up to go over to the driers, and then starts texting, and texted the whole time over there ... the man working on me (the owner) was joking with us that he was going to put up a no cell phone sign just for her ... he was saying sure, people's phones ring and they answer, but they get right off ... not this woman ... and she was soooo loud ... just RUDE.