Good lord this has become so political. Bottom line is there has been 150,000 deaths and the US is on track to make it to 200,000. That is half the casualties in WWII that occurred over five years and COVID will do that is what 6-8 months. Put that into perspective and think carefully about how everyone regardless political leanings can help out. Stop the partisan BS, wear a mask, social distance, wash your hands and yes, large gatherings of adults or children cannot happen. Deal with that for 60 days and then we would be a very good position to test, track and isolate.
This is not rocket science and truly it’s disappointing that Americans as whole cannot come together on this. It truly shows to the world how far we have fallen when we will not protect each other and deal with short-term pain. We do a disservice to that generation who came together, fought and died for freedom.
This is not rocket science and truly it’s disappointing that Americans as whole cannot come together on this. It truly shows to the world how far we have fallen when we will not protect each other and deal with short-term pain. We do a disservice to that generation who came together, fought and died for freedom.