I'm sorry for your friends
@sissy - there's no question this is a very real virus that is very hard on some people. Who knows why? I was just talking to my husband the other night about the number of related people who we hear react badly to the virus - like your friend and her twin sons which is just too much for any mother to have to bear. I wonder if there's a genetic component to how your body handles getting COVID. Maybe someday, when the dust settles, that will all become clear.
Is it political to say that I'm afraid I may lose my job? Is it political to say I fear that will happen because the governor of my state is a tyrant who is acting in his own self interest and that of his party? Is it political for
@CometKeith to say he hopes he doesn't lose his investments? I don't know how you can discuss this issue without discussing the politics behind these decisions that are being made, when ALL the decisions are being made by politicians. We have health people making policy decisions and politicians making health decisions. That’s upside down.
There should be middle ground. There should be those who say "I'll stay home because I can't risk getting this" and those who say "I need to work, I'm ready to go back". But the narratives have become those who want to stay isolated are cry babies and those who want to go to work just want to see more people dead. And they take it a step further and claim "oh you just want to get a hair cut or go out to eat" - not go to work to support your family.
It doesn't have to be either/or. I don't want to see anyone dead - but I also don't want to lose my home that I've worked to pay for for 30 years, my income, my health insurance, my savings, a future for my own kids and grandkids... we aren't going to have a country left if this continues.
@CometKeith i know you’re suggesting that my niece wasn’t reporting tips, which is common but not true in her case. She worked for a major chain and they are very clear on their reporting rules. People don’t seem to understand that the support systems aren’t working like they normally do. My co-worker has parents who own and drive a cab for a living for 30 years - she drives days, him nights. They raised their family in Chicago driving a cab. They both applied for unemployment and were told their benefit was zero. Nothing. The money just isn’t there.