Sorry for hijaking your thread, MT! I spent most of the day with my girlfriend today. Made a pork roast, mashed potatoes, gravy and corn, and thought maybe that was kinda stupid, as it would only feed about 8, but thought they could save it for later days. Well, I got there, just as she, her son and father in law were getting back from funeral home. We had a big hug, cried in each others arms, both of us needed that, talked a bit, then ate the meal. It was delicious, and I was happy she was able to eat some, too. Stayed throughout others coming and going. I was gone from home 6 hours, had left all 4 dogs loose in the house (never do this, Boston usually crated when I'm gone, boys all outside ...) but got home and no accidents!!! I looked heavenward and thanked The Lord ... and Tom ... for watching over my pets.

Sometimes it's little things like this that let me know that God is so present in my life.
Yes, these next days will be very tough, visitation is not until Tues evening, so tomorrow and Monday will be hard. But, the weeks and months after that will be harder. They were a loving couple, been married over 20 years. She said never a day went by he didn't tell her he loved her. If we could all be so lucky to have such a loving spouse. My heart bled for her many times today as friends came and she cried and they cried. But I was so glad to be there to support her throughout the hard times, too. I will go be with her again tomorrow, because I can.
It's a simple reminder to all of us. Her husband was only 49 years old! A dissected aorta aneurysm caused his death, nothing the doctors could do to save him once it happened. Life is short, sometimes shorter than we thought. Live every day as if it will be your last, because one day it will be your last. Tell your loved ones you love them, never pass the chance to say it to them. And, do good for others. The feeling you get will pay it back one hundredfold.
Now, back to MT's thread. And, thanks for letting me say my two cents worth.

I'm ready for spring here, too, MT! I don't have a thermometer in the bottom or top of my pond, and with all the water I've had to add (line broke, pond drained out all but 12" of it last night!!!!), wondering what the temperature swing has been. BUT, since I'm on well, probably not much difference in the temp. All fish and a huge bullfrog are doing just fine.