Hello everyone..I have thought about updating you for awhile now but wanted to keep my promise of the fast which ended today, JW it has been such a blessing and we have even decided to limit tv/games to certain days/times

Anyhow about Reese he was doing so well until this past Thursday when he started falling again!!! So all Friday I let him rest,no playing,no walking just rest and he slowly went down hill from there to back to square one

So I called the vet Saturday and she put him back on his meds and added another

I told her I was emotionally frustrated and tried my best to be calm but I asked her if this disease should be treated for more than 7 days because everywhere I read on the internet states 4-6 months! She said her vet book states 7 days of the Baytril-now keep in mind she has NEVER delt with this disease..so anyhow I asked if any of the other vets in her office treated this and she said no, I also asked why we couldn't use a certain medicine(Doxy) and she said it was not recommended for puppys....Well someone put me in contact with the president of the Illinois Bird-dog rescue Lisa whom has Lyme disease herself and has treated many dogs with all the tick diseases along with having this information on her site,she knows her stuff and has done lots of research and worked with many vets on this topic to help better understand it...she suggested I put Reese on the Doxy which my vet said we could not use due to his age but Lisa has used on puppys as young as 8 weeks..at this point I am willing to try anything and Lisa actually deals with this on a daily basis,no she isn't a vet but at this point I am not relying on my vet--I am done with guess work. Reese is still not walking as I sit here but he is happy and wagging his tail,which is great. I have missed you all