Having a bad day.


True friends just call me Larkin
Mar 23, 2011
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Hammond LA USA
Hardiness Zone
Cute dog! Prayers are with you and Reese, The little bugs your describing in it's bed sounds similar to bed mites. Not good but usually harmless to dogs unless they already are ill from someting else. However if that's what they are you need to get them (bedding material, toys, everything that has them) outside and treat as they can get on you and your clothing and get transferred to your bed! Remember the old saying don't let the Bed Bugs bite? But if they are tiny ticks then even one of those tiny guys can cause tick paralisis. Hopefully the Vet can find what is causing it and get it the correct treatment. I hope he gets better soon, never a fun deal to go through.
Our youngest dog Endy was a rescue, My wife found a whole litter of abandoned puppies, we took half the litter, another co-worker took half, 9 total, they were only about 4-5 days old when they started trying to feed them and found the mother wasn't coming back to feed the little guys. Only 3 survived, and Endy was the only one we saved out of the four pups we took in. By the time she was 3 weeks old we had invested over $300 in her, by the time she was 3 months the total was over $1000, She got a eye infection before her eyes opened and left her partially blind in one eye, she had parvo, which meant we had to keep her isolated from our pug until they got that cleared up, she got constipated a few times and had to get treated for that, she got a internal infection from the constipation, again more treatment, then to top it all off being she was partially blind and Phsyco I must add, she was running and playing when she was about 9-10 weeks old and ran into a steel beam, it split her skin above her bad eye and knocked her out. back to the vet with a concusion and 14 stiches over her bad eye, I call her my million dollar, one eyed, scytsophrinic (sp?) phsyco mutt. and yes at three years old she is still a phsyco dog, excuse the french but, crazy as hell! She's the most loving dog, Great guard dog, alert to everything, but she doesn't like strangers to leave, If they come in she jumps up to get attention and won't leave them alone but then when they go to leave she acts like she is going to attack! she's even nipped me, the wife, and my son when we wouldn't let her get near a guest that was leaving. She can be very intimidating and aggravating but I wouldn't trade her for the world. All the time, money, and love she has gotten has been worth it. She's great with other animals, again, I don't worry about someone walking in my house unannounced, heck noone can walk by my house without her letting me know, and she sleeps UNDER the bed right below me every night. If I hear her growl, I have a handgun in hand! All three times she has done it we caught someone that wasn't suppose to be there in our yard. Two were the neighbor coming in drunk, LOL but the other was someone trying to break into the car! Anyway, long story short, she's repayed her debt, I hope Reese gets better and returns the favor back to you, it might not be cheap, but he'll appreciate all the love you give!
Mar 5, 2011
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Just got back and they have switched his medicine to something that is risky for pups but is the only option with not knowing what we are dealing with..she did not want to do a tick panel right now because the medicine she gave me is used for many tick diseases so we are just hoping this works,only draw back is he could have joint problems later but its a risk worth taking to save him now. He is in more pain today than yesterday so she gave me something different and I am hoping it works because I feel so bad when I pick him up he growls and whines. I have taken many rescues in but he is by far the worse one and yes he is getting expensive but the vet is never cheap so I always know I will be more than broke when I am done lol..but I really believe God picked me to rescue animals because they always find me :) When I was little I would go door to door with cats and dogs asking people if they wanted them just to get them off the streets,most would not but I tried. Reese thanks me with little kisses and his happy spirit..praying this new medicine works..will keep everyone updated.Have a blessed day. Amber


Jan 17, 2011
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Axton virginia
Hardiness Zone
United States
my hunter passed away last year after being on meds since he was a year old for thyroid problems .After 12 years he suffered kidney failure last year and the vet and I tried everything to save him but he passed away and broke my heart and then pee wee came into my life after I found out he was born the day my beloved hunter passed .He had the same problem when he was first diagnosed with thyroid he could not walk and the vet tested him and it was his thyroid and it took 3 months of intense phsyicle therapy on my part to get him walking again .I used a towel to help him walk also and after the vet said he would not walk again he was surprised .He was on thyroid meds which I knew could cause kidney failure but what choice did I have .I can say he did have a long healthy life with me .I miss him to this day and always will but I knew I did my best .Did the vet check him for thyroid because what you are describing is what I went through with hunter .Good luck little guy .
Jul 28, 2011
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Amber, Doing the right thing is not always the easy thing to do, but never let it stop you from doing the right thing.
I truely believe Angels are here on earth to give help to those who are in need. Reese is a very lucky puppy you are his protecting angel. I hope all goes well real soon.
Mar 5, 2011
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Hi everyone..we went from up and back to down again :( He was actually up and walking and seemed to be on his way to recovering but now this morning he is back to falling over :( We are going to the vet again at 11:10--He walked all day yesterday,never running but slowly walking and now he is back to standing for a short while before legs giving out..I have been praying for him since day one and just loving on him,will update everyone when I return. Thanks Amber


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
Gosh Amber, hope he is just getting better slowly and maybe just did too much when starting to feel better and wore himself out. I'll keep praying also. I'm glad he has you to love and care for him.
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
I'm back for a few to update everyone--we went back and he had a fever again and was a little dehydrated so they gave him fluids and anti -inflammatory shot because he just finished up all those meds and then started going downhill again. She finally decided to do a tick panel so now I wait 1-3 days to get results back for that.. :) I hope everyone had a great day as there is always something to be glad about and that has helped me get through alot of hard days. I go back tomorrow at 3..will come back and let everyone know how the little guy is doing.


water gardener / gold fish and shubunkins
Jun 23, 2010
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Frederick, Maryland
Hardiness Zone
United States
Best wishes to the pup ............ in my thoughts and heart that it heals and gets better

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