Hi everyone I am writing to let you know I have sent Reese who is now Rocky(they changed it?) to MidAmerica Border Collie rescue and my heart and mind are at peace as I know they will give him all the medical attention and love he needs. He was still doing really great with walking and no relapse before I surrendered him over but it really was hard to say goodbye after all we had been through but I really believe God uses me for these beautiful animals and I am happy to help them out, I miss him being around the house and whining for me to come help him get up,sounds silly but you do miss stuff like that
Thank you all for your encouragement,support and prayers they all lifted my spirits and helped me when I was really down about him so thank you all for being here. As of now Reese is in foster care with another border collie playmate and a 6 year old boy,he will continue to be on the Doxy for another month and then hopefully he can be adopted out really soon. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas,God is great. Thanks Amber