Good Foods for Great Health


Dec 15, 2008
Reaction score
Michigan zone 5b


mad hatter
May 1, 2012
Reaction score
Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
Ya, cause pond people have to stay strong and live long to take care of all the long lived koi! Koi can outlive there owner and that is why some people "will" their Koi,

JW, I think the hubby told his doctors what he did to himself while waiting the long wait for the surgery, The thing is, if he had gotten the surgery much sooner, back when the cancer was much smaller, then the surgery would not have been so "highly invasive" and hubby would not have had to have his face "hacked and Slashed" so bad. Yep, here in Canada, you could very easily die waiting for medical care....


mad hatter
May 1, 2012
Reaction score
Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
Lets talk about a very all natural painkiller that will work better than some of the highly addictive pharmaceutical creations that can be very deadly as well.

There is something that will make the Medical Marijuana even more effective. It is better than hard core deadly pharmaceuticals, and much much less risky and addictive. Want to know what it is???


Dec 15, 2008
Reaction score
Michigan zone 5b

CancerTruth with Stephen Vick and David Jones
HEALTH TIP: Concerning the cholesterol and heart disease, there are thousands of HEALTHY 80+ year old folks with cholesterol levels in the 200’s! The cholesterol “medical myths” are definitive proof of the labyrinth of lies propagated by Big Pharma. You see, the Medical Mafia is able to make the American “sheeple” believe just about anything, based on the methods outlined by Edwin Bernays.
Once a LIE is generally accepted by the people, thin it is considered to be “gospel truth.” This is what happened with water fluoridation, vaccinations, and this is what has happened with cholesterol.
There are many “myths” associated with cholesterol, including:
• High-fat foods and cholesterol cause atherosclerosis leading to the obstruction of blood vessels in the heart
• Lowering your cholesterol will lengthen your life
• Polyunsatured oils are good for your health
• All scientists and doctors support the idea that high cholesterol causes heart disease
• Statin drugs are essential in controlling cholesterol levels and preventing heart disease
Believing all of these cholesterol myths, Americans decreased their intake of good fats and oils (like coconut oil, fish oil, olive oil) and started consuming more vegetable oils and margarine (a trans fat). This diet has CAUSED thousands of deaths from heart disease, as have the statin drugs which supposedly prevent heart disease, but in reality have numerous deleterious effects.
What are statin drugs and are they helpful or harmful? Statins are “HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors”, that is, they act by blocking the enzyme (HMG-CoA reductase) in your liver that is responsible for making cholesterol. There are over 900 studies proving the adverse effects of statin drugs, including anemia, cancer, chronic fatigue, acidosis, liver dysfunction, thyroid disruption, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and even diabetes! Statins have been shown to increase your risk of diabetes through a few different mechanisms. The most important one is that they increase insulin resistance, which contributes to chronic inflammation (the common element of most diseases) and actually *RESULTS* in heart disease, which, ironically, is the primary reason for taking a cholesterol-reducing drug in the first place!
Of course, statins inhibit the production of cholesterol--they do this very well. Nowhere is the failure of our medical system more evident than in the wholesale acceptance of cholesterol reduction as a way to prevent disease--have all these doctors forgotten what they learned in Biochemistry 101 about the many roles of cholesterol in the human biochemistry? Every cell membrane in our body contains cholesterol because cholesterol is what makes our cells waterproof--without cholesterol we could not have a different biochemistry on the inside and the outside of the cell. When cholesterol levels are not adequate, the cell membrane becomes leaky or porous, a situation the body interprets as an emergency, releasing a flood of corticoid hormones that work by sequestering cholesterol from one part of the body and transporting it to areas where it is lacking. Cholesterol is the body’s repair substance: scar tissue contains high levels of cholesterol, including scar tissue in the arteries.
Every cell of the body needs cholesterol to maintain the integrity of its cell membrane. Cholesterol makes the cell membrane more rigid but prevents it from crystallizing. Cholesterol is needed for the liver to make bile; it is the precursor for steroidal hormones (estrogen and testosterone), and in the presence of sunlight, the body can use the photolytic action of UV light on the cholesterol in the skin cells to make Vitamin D, which is essential for our immune system and also maintains the balance of calcium and phosphorus for strong bones and teeth.
Perhaps most importantly, cholesterol is an essential component in the machinery that triggers the release of neurotransmitters in the brain. Mother’s milk is especially rich in cholesterol and contains a special enzyme that helps the baby utilize it. Babies and children need cholesterol-rich foods throughout their growing years to ensure proper development of the brain and nervous system. Cholesterol is very concentrated in the brain, where it contributes to the functioning of “synapses” (tiny gaps between cells which allow nerves to communicate with each other).
Cholesterol is the precursor to all the hormones produced in the adrenal cortex including glucocorticoids, which regulate blood sugar levels, and mineralocorticoids, which regulate mineral balance. Corticoids are the cholesterol-based adrenal hormones that the body uses in response to stress of various types; they promote healing and balance the tendency to inflammation. The adrenal cortex also produces sex hormones, including testosterone, estrogen and progesterone, out of cholesterol.


mad hatter
May 1, 2012
Reaction score
Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
I have used only organic toothpaste for years now, floruide is bad and Europeans do not use it.
No such thing as bad cholosterol either, you would be dead if you had none.

Now back to the best of the very best for pain relief. I have been reading on "Milk of the Poppy", as it was formally known. God gave us Milk of the Poppy for those MOST in NEED. It will not kill you like todays drugs, thst have killed two of my school friends over the last couple years. My best friend is on hard core drugs cause she has a metal rod holding her back together. "Milk of the Poppy" is PURE, UNCUT, with no bad drugs to make you see things "crawl on the wall" or things that are not there, like the crap they gave my hubby. Doctors today push very bad drugs, that kill more people today than street drugs!!!! HELLO!!! This is a FACT!!
I have tried milk of the Poppy several years back, just once, for a toothacke. I rubbed it on the tooth and that was the end of the pain!! Instantly!!! Just so you know, I only tried it once. I do not have severe pain at all and an not in need, but for those how need it, they should have the right to make it in their back yards, free of charge. Remember, Mothers used to give it to their babies!
Last edited:


water gardener / gold fish and shubunkins
Jun 23, 2010
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Frederick, Maryland
Hardiness Zone
United States
Here in Frederick they passed the ruling that anybody can keep bees anywhere. 4/2012

Beekeepers in Frederick County can keep honeybees on their property regardless of the size of the land now that a law restricting the practice has been abolished.

Frederick County commissioners voted unanimously Tuesday night to remove beekeeping from a zoning law that required it to be done on properties that are 3 acres or more — the same law that governs farm animals, such as cows, pigs and sheep."


AKA Mike
Mar 20, 2012
Reaction score
Vancouver, Canada
Hardiness Zone
I'm a freak of nature so far… eat whatever I want from McDs to foie gras and never gain weight and all tests come back in the regular or optimal range… :(

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