That is only in extreme cases, like when hubby was taking lots of baking soda to make his body very alkaline when he had cancer. Well he did some pretty extreme things when he thought he was going to die, like zap his lip with a electric volt repeatably, he rigged up the lawnmower to give himself a high volt without killing himself, Then he put nickel in some type solution, to dissolve the nickel and then drank that.
Then he ate some seeds that came from apricots or something,,,, you name it, hubby did it, when he thought he was going to die of cancer. What ever he did, that big cancer that he got from chewing the tobacco, seemed to have worked, cause the body made a protective covering over the cancer and it did not spread to any other part of the body. His doctors were amazed that he even survived, cause his cancer was so big and they had to cut so much away. half his upper lip, his soft pellet, the hard pellet, the top teeth gone and with his top jaw. Then they took parts of his leg and arm to rebuilt his mouth after they cut half of it away! Thank goodness he is alive and well today and his new mouth works good now, and some day they will give him new teeth they said!