Good Foods for Great Health


Dec 15, 2008
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Michigan zone 5b


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Jun 30, 2011
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Ontario, Canada
Hardiness Zone
Mark; lots of interesting info there! I've never heard of Aspartame causing seizures. I had one some years back when my blood glucose dropped dangerously low in the night, and now wonder if there was a connection to the sweeteners I was using in my coffee and soft drinks. BTW, I had sharp, jabbing pains in my hands until about five years ago, when I stopped using ALL artificial sweeteners. Within three days the pains were gone!! Co-incidence? I don't think so!! I do have a problem with info that tells us a product has "7 times less" of something. If something has 10 grams of X, then 10 times 7 is 70 grams less?? Now, if they said it has one sevenths the amount, that would make sense.
Oct 27, 2011
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BC Canada
Not exactly about food, but health related, I watched this video and thought I'd pass this along as it is something I'd never really put much thought into before, but could effect many of us.


Dec 15, 2008
Reaction score
Michigan zone 5b

It's a great science experiment for kids, but a sobering message for parents.

What kind of future are we giving to our children?

"Only 5–10% of all cancer can be attributed to genetic defects, whereas the remaining 90–95% have their roots in the environment and lifestyle."

Plants aren't just coated with pesticides.

"90% of lettuce tests positive for 47 different pesticides and 57 different chemical residues."

Plants soak up pesticides.

And no amount of washing is going to remove substances that are embedded in their tissues.

Another version of this visual experiment is with carnations:


Jun 30, 2011
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Ontario, Canada
Hardiness Zone
Saw an interview on TV this morning with a gentleman who has written a book entitled "Salt Sugar Fat -- How the Food Giants Hooked Us". His name is Michael Moss. It seems there was a meeting of food company executives in 1999 to discuss the growing obesity problem in N. Amenica..... not to find safer foods to market, but to find ways to sell fattening foods through better marketing techniques!!! Sickening, really. They have no regard for human life, just as long as they can sell us their poisons!
I'm not really good with computers,otherwise I'd post a link, but I'm sure SOMEONE could.
Oct 27, 2011
Reaction score
BC Canada
HARO said:
'm not really good with computers,otherwise I'd post a link, but I'm sure SOMEONE could.
Don't know if this is the same interview you saw John, but it's the same guy and same subject.


Jun 30, 2011
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Hardiness Zone
Thanks, Mucky. Not the same interview, but much the same content. Frightening what the big companies will do to get our money, isn't it? In the one I saw, he also states that several of the large food companies are now owned by tobacco companies, who certainly have no qualms about selling poisons to unsuspecting consumers!!


Dec 15, 2008
Reaction score
Michigan zone 5b
just like the big pharmacuetical companies... they have no interest in curing disease. theres alot more money in masking symptoms, and keeping people on their expensive medications for years or for life. making foods addictive is the objective of commercial processed food companies. and big pharma backs this because they sell the chemicals that mask the problems created. processed foods are responsible for the larger part of our health problems.
Oct 27, 2011
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BC Canada
Well, I'm gona go out on a limb here and state that these companies kind of have to do what they are doing if the want to turn a profit. Bottom line is, if they didn't load their food products with sugar,salt, and fat they wouldn't taste as good, and consumers wouldn't buy them, or at least they wouldn't buy them repeatedly. In the consumers themselves that are responsible for what they eat, food companies are required to put nutritional information on their product packaging, then it's left up to the consumer to decide whether to eat it or not. The sad fact is that most of the consuming market out there don't put much thought into the nutritional value of what they are eating, they simply focus on whether it satisfies the palate or not. People who are genuinely concerned about their health and the nutritional value of the food they eat as a rule won't be reading those nutritional labels on prepackaged processed foods anyway, because they just don't buy that kind of stuff. I don't read the nutritional labels on pop cans or bags of chips because, well, first of all I know it's not good, second I don't eat or drink it anyway, so what do I care. Same goes for Kraft dinner, or cans of Spaghetti Os. The people who do eat that stuff are not thinking about eating healthy, and they certainly don't bother to read those nutritional labels, their main concern is, is it easy to make, and does it taste GOOD! That's what sells it.


Dec 15, 2008
Reaction score
Michigan zone 5b
Hemp seeds produce more oil and protein than any other plant per land area cultivated. Hemp protein and oil are rich in the essential fatty acids (EFAs) that our brain and cardiovascular system need, Omega 3 & 6, in the perfect ratio for optimal human health. Hemp protein has all 8 amino acids, again, in just the right balance to meet humans' nutritional needs
(theyre legal everywhere contain no thc so you dont wont catch a buzz, or have to worry about passing a drug test) you can buy them at many grocery stores and likely any health food or nutritional outlet.


Dec 15, 2008
Reaction score
Michigan zone 5b
a copy and paste...
Throw away the aspirin and get rid of the ...anti-inflammatory medication because nature has all you need to rid your pain with far more effectiveness than any man-made pill can provide. They will also simultaneously advance your health with powerful nutrients which will set the terrain to help prevent future pain and illness…and they taste incredible!

Pain can only be controlled in the long-term by dietary changes, not medication. Using prescribed pharmaceuticals or even over the counter pain pills will always result in some type of reoccurence in patterns since they only address symptoms and not causes. They key is a diet filled with foods that bombard your body with the right nutrients to sustain health and prevent pain.

1. Ginger
Ginger is one of the best pain killers in the world having analgesic properties like the popular ibuprofen, only better. It contains a quartet, gingerols, paradols, shogaols, and zingerone which are active ingredients to reduce pain. Ginger reduces pain-causing prostaglandin levels in the body. A study by researchers found that when people who were suffering from muscular pain were given ginger, they all experienced improvement. The recommended dosage of ginger is between 500 and 1,000 milligrams per day. Drink ginger tea or place shavings in your foods. Either way will get you relief from that recurring pain.

2. Acai Juice
A daily glass of acai juice is associated with a reduction in joint pain measures, and this is correlated with improved blood antioxidant levels. This powerhouse, antioxidant packed berry from the Amazon is helping people lose weight and increase energy levels all while detoxifying the body.

3. Coffee
Headache studies show that 200 milligrams of caffeine–about the amount in 16 ounces of brewed coffee–provides relief from headaches, including migraines to some extent by constricting blood vessels. But keep in mind that relying on caffeine long-term can backfire, since habitual coffee drinkers usually suffer withdrawal headaches when they cut back on the caffeine. Consume coffee moderately to advance your health.

4. Olive oil
Olive oil is like liquid gold or elixir when it comes to fighting pain. It is rich in antioxidant polyphenols that help reduce common pain-causing mechanism in the body. Olive oil is also a good substitute for butter, but use it carefully as it has 120 calories per tablespoon.

5. Sage
When your throat is scratchy and irritated, try sipping on a tea made from brewed sage leaves. It’s a remedy recommended by herbalists that has some support from clinical trials. A 2006 study found that spraying sore throats with a sage solution gave effective pain relief compared to a placebo.

6. Raw Almonds and 7. Walnuts
Raw almonds are great source of omega 3 fatty acids and anti oxidants that help in pain control. Add these nuts to your salad or just munch on a handful as an afternoon snack. Raw walnuts and walnut oil also contain the same powerful Omega-3 fatty acids that fight pain and inflammation in the body. Walnuts are top of the tree when it comes to heart-healthy superfoods, research has shown.

8. Greens
Greens like spinach, amaranth, fenufreek leaves, argula not only have high iron content, but are horders of Vitamin K that helps maintain strong bones and healthy joints. A study shows that older adults with ample blood levels of K were less likely to develop osteoarthritis, compared to a low-in-K control group. However, Vitamin K also helps with blood clotting, so if you’re taking blood thinners, check with your doctor before boosting your K intake.

9. Grapes
Resveratrol in grapes, and grape juice can often have an analgesic effect similar to aspirin, according to a handful of studies. Experts, in any case, recommend one daily glass of grape juice for women. Men can get away with one more.

10. Flax Seeds and Flax Oil
Freshly-ground flax seeds and cold-pressed flax oil, contain plentiful amounts of fatty acids known as Omega-3s. Do not cook with flax oil otherwise it will have the opposite effect-irritating the body’s tissues and causing pain. Flax fiber suppresses appetite and helps support weight loss.

11. Turmeric
Turmeric (curcuma longa) is the yellow spice commonly used in Indian curries. In research it has been shown to be a more effective anti-inflammatory than steroid medications when dealing with acute inflammation. Its main therapeutic ingredient is curcumin. Research shows that curcumin suppresses pain through a similar mechanism as drugs like COX-1 and COX-2 inhibitors (without the harmful side effects). Choose a standardized extract with 1500 mg of curcumin content per day.

12. Salmon 13. Mackerel and 14. Herring
Many fatty fish like salmon, mackerel and herring also contain valuable oils. Omega-3s convert in the body into hormone-like substances that decrease inflammation and pain. According to Dr. Alfred D. Steinberg, an arthritis expert at the National Institute of Health, fish oil is an anti-inflammatory agent. Fish oil acts directly on the immune system by suppressing 40 to 55 percent of the release of cytokines, compounds known to destroy joints. Many other studies also demonstrate that eating moderate amounts of fish or taking fish oil reduces pain and inflammation, particularly for arthritis sufferers.

15. Celery and Celery Seeds
James Duke, Ph.D., author of The Green Pharmacy, found more than 20 anti-inflammatory compounds in celery and celery seeds, including a substance called apigenin, which is powerful in its anti-inflammatory action. Add celery seeds to soups, stews or as a salt substitute in many recipes.

16. Sour Cherries
Sore muscles after a workout don’t have to be a given. British researchers recently found that people who drank 1 ounce of concentrated cherry juice twice daily for 10 days bounced back faster from their workout (an intensive leg-resistance training session on day 8) than those who skipped the juice. Researchers think it’s because the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties in tart cherries–and other dark red and purple fruit juices like grape, pomegranate, acai, blueberry and cranberry–act as natural NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen and aspirin), reducing exercise-induced muscle damage. tart cherry extract is ten times more effective than aspirin at relieving inflammation. Only two tablespoons of the concentrated juice need to be taken daily for effective results. Sweet cherries have also been found to be effective.

17. Blackberries 18. Raspberries 19. Blueberries and
20. Strawberries
Similar anti-pain compounds have been found in berries like blackberries, raspberries, blueberries and strawberries. They are excellent anti-inflammatory foods. They increase the amounts of compounds called heat-shock proteins that decrease as people age. When heat-shock proteins are in short supply inflammation, pain and tissue damage is the result.They are full of vitamin C, an antioxidant with powerful pain-reducing properties, according to research. Some studies suggest vitamin C may help people experience less pain after breaking a bone or having orthopedic surgery.

21. Cayenne Pepper
Ironically, cayenne pepper turns DOWN the heat on inflammation due to its powerful anti-inflammatory compound capsaicin.

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