Good Foods for Great Health


mad hatter
May 1, 2012
Reaction score
Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
JW, you can get organic seeds from your local seed supplier, most seed suppliers have organic seeds now for sale. I bought Amish tomato seeds, from the greenhouse a couple years ago, they are organic, and very original, as the Amish people have used the same seeds for many generations. When I first planted them, I thought that they were peppers, cause they didn't look like tomatoes when they were small. Unfortunately I don't seem to have them anymore, (this year) as they may have crossed with my tomatoes and are now different, although I still have seeds saved somewhere that may yet yield Amish. Saving your own seeds is like "two dogs in a back alley breeding", cause your never certain what you might get! One year I had yellow "Cherry tomatos', the next year I had "Yellow Oxheart" and so on.

Then the possibility exists that the Organic tomato seeds may cross with the next door neighbor farmers non-organic tomatos and so you never really do know for sure, but it sends a powerful message, when as consumers we purchase "organic"!


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
I grow my tomatoes in the green house so hopefully they will not cross w/ others out there. So wondering now if my toms that I have will cross w/ each other in there. They are different kinds. Does that mean they will not be true to the toms they are supposed to become?


mad hatter
May 1, 2012
Reaction score
Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
Have you ever saved your own tomato seed? If they are all the same kind then they might come back "true", but chances are the bees will come and go with the doors and windows open, but not to worry, new and exciting types of wild tomatoes will be born that are most likely tastier and healthier!


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
Never saved any seeds. Ahhhhhhh, forgot about the bees and yes I do have the door and roof vents open.


mad hatter
May 1, 2012
Reaction score
Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
OK this topic is for good foods, but while were at it, I got to tell you about bad drugs too, feel the need to "unload" My best friend in town that I have known all my life, her son, who is 19 went up to Edmonton two weeks ago to talk with his dad, they had many "issues". Him and his dad ended up having a fight, and the 19 year old went to "live on the streets" in Edmonton for five days. He met up with these dark dudes who sell drugs and pimp young girls, they gave him some drugs, he says it "three lines" of something. He ended up overdoseing and in the hospital for two days, someone said he did "bath salts" too. Don't know for sure what happened, only that he came home a week later all "crazed". I knew this kid my whole life, now I don't know him at all! He talks about how he has to steal things and beat people up and he's been in jail twice now in the last week. Yesterday he trashed his mother house, stole his grandmother's ring and tried to melt it down and pawn it. He kicked things violently at his mother and broke many of her things. This kid was completely "normal" two weeks ago, would never have done such things, never knew him to be violent ever before! It's like he went off the deep end and now his mother is scared of him and I'm worried for her too. I don't want him over here, I'm scared he will steal something to pawn off. He has stole from his mother, his best friend, and his girlfriend left him cause shes scared of him too. We think he needs to be committed, but can't get him to go. Will have to keep you updated, but it looks like he will be going to jail again very soon, and this time I told her not to bail him out, cause at least in jail he will have to "detox" hopefully!

Sometimes I think I'm lucky to have no kids, too much bad stuff going on out there, scared for all you parents....


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
Not fun at all for any of those involved Colleen. I hope he gets off of whatever he's taking and can get the help he needs. Never had to deal w/ any of that w/ my 2 kids or grandchild. Have a nephew tho that is into the bad stuff and keeps going back to it. He's over 18 now and will end up in jail too if he keeps headed in that direction. A lot depends on how they are raised and what values are instilled in them so they have something to fall back on and if they know they are cared for by the whole family. But then sometimes they just get involved w/ the wrong people and take a sample of this and that and wind up deep into it all. If kids have no direction planned within their lives they will eventually end up lost. Kids used to be trained up to know God was watching over them. Now they don't know who He even is at all or just don't care. Life is just for today for them and whatever thrill can be had. They don't even think of the tomorrow's :sad:


Jun 10, 2011
Reaction score
waterloo, iowa
OK this topic is for good foods, but while were at it, I got to tell you about bad drugs too, feel the need to "unload" My best friend in town that I have known all my life, her son, who is 19 went up to Edmonton two weeks ago to talk with his dad, they had many "issues". Him and his dad ended up having a fight, and the 19 year old went to "live on the streets" in Edmonton for five days. He met up with these dark dudes who sell drugs and pimp young girls, they gave him some drugs, he says it "three lines" of something. He ended up overdoseing and in the hospital for two days, someone said he did "bath salts" too. Don't know for sure what happened, only that he came home a week later all "crazed". I knew this kid my whole life, now I don't know him at all! He talks about how he has to steal things and beat people up and he's been in jail twice now in the last week. Yesterday he trashed his mother house, stole his grandmother's ring and tried to melt it down and pawn it. He kicked things violently at his mother and broke many of her things. This kid was completely "normal" two weeks ago, would never have done such things, never knew him to be violent ever before! It's like he went off the deep end and now his mother is scared of him and I'm worried for her too. I don't want him over here, I'm scared he will steal something to pawn off. He has stole from his mother, his best friend, and his girlfriend left him cause shes scared of him too. We think he needs to be committed, but can't get him to go. Will have to keep you updated, but it looks like he will be going to jail again very soon, and this time I told her not to bail him out, cause at least in jail he will have to "detox" hopefully!

Sometimes I think I'm lucky to have no kids, too much bad stuff going on out there, scared for all you parents....

There is an upside, It sounds like he's doing pretty well compared to the people who turn into zombies and try to eat peoples faces off. But in all seriousness, that is some nasty stuff, some of the things these kids come up with these days is just crazy. I had my fair share of grass when I was younger, but smoking, snorting, shooting household chemicals is just nuts.

It really saddens me to see friends and relatives who just never "grew up" so to say, There comes a time when sitting in your bedroom playing video games with a haze of smoke around you becomes plain sad. At some point you get a real job, have kids,and GROW UP. When I see my younger cousins still getting in trouble with the police, or so skinny ans sunken in that you know they have to be on something, I feel sorry for them, and their kids.


Jun 10, 2011
Reaction score
waterloo, iowa
Anyway, so back to the original point... eating... I can't believe I didn't see this post earlier.

I have been back and forth with my weight now for a while... and I carry every single bit of it in what they like to call the "beer gut" Whether I weigh 180 or 220, my arms, legs, and neck are all the same size, its all just right there in the front.

Little bit of a backstory....

I was involved in martial arts, and rode my bmx bike everywhere I went for years, worked a job cutting down trees, I was fit and trim. Never did eat well, but it didnt matter with the amount of activity i did.

Then I got a "real job" and my son was born, and I slowly went from about 170 to 210 pounds over a few years. When I reached 210, i decided something needed to change, diet and exercise, back down to 180. and then my fiance got pregnant with my daughter... and slowly but surely i worked my way back up to 217.

So for the last 2 months I've been involved in a "weight loss" challenge here at work, and my fiance has been dieting at home with me. I quit smoking, (which is kind of counterproductive to the entire weight loss thing, I want to eat more when I'm not smoking) We stick to mainly fruits and veggies and chicken. and I've lost 10 pounds now in the last 2 months. Haven't really been able to exercise much, with a 16 month old. But we do try to walk with her in the stroller when its not 100 degrees out (which isn't very often this summer)

So anyways... i do have some good meal plans... which i can post in a bit, but i have to run to a meeting right now so i can't finish my post :)


Jun 10, 2011
Reaction score
waterloo, iowa
I watched Grumpier Old Men the other day, and this thread reminded me of this conversation in the movie. I love "Pop" in that movie

Pop: What the... what the h*ll is this?
John: That's lite beer.
Pop: Gee, I weigh ninety godd*^n pounds, and you bring me this sloppin' foam?
John: Ariel's got me on a diet because the doc said my cholestorol's a little too high.
Pop: Well let me tell you something now, Johnny. Last Thursday, I turned 95 years old. And I never exercised a day in my life. Every morning, I wake up, and I smoke a cigarette. And then I eat five strips of bacon. And for lunch, I eat a bacon sandwich. And for a midday snack?
John: Bacon.
Pop: Bacon! A whole d*^n plate! And I usually drink my dinner. Now according to all of them flat-belly experts, I should've took a dirt nap like thirty years ago. But each year comes and goes, and I'm still here. Ha! And they keep dyin'. You know? Sometimes I wonder if God forgot about me. Just goes to show you, huh?
John: What?
Pop: Huh?
John: Goes to show you what?
Pop: Well it just goes... what the h*ll are you talkin' about?
John: Well you said you drink beer, you eat bacon and you smoke cigarettes, and you outlive most of the experts.
Pop: Yeah?
John: I thought maybe there was a moral.
Pop: No, there ain't no moral. I just like that story. That's all. Like that story.

I kind of think some of this is true, our company is completely health conscious, and preaches to us quarterly about how we need to get our health under control. Gives us physicals and assigns a health "number" to us, and says these people here in this number range cost this much in health care costs a year. I am one of those people that has that health number in the middle, between healthy and poor, and I don't get sick, I don't go to the doctor, I don't take medication, and they have people that they say are "healthy" that are gone from work ALL the time! lol, I guess I'd rather be average, than be "healthy" but have to take sick days from work all the time.


Jun 10, 2011
Reaction score
waterloo, iowa
So my diet... My fiance has researched a bunch of those "fad" diets "lose 10 pounds in 3 days" "lose 10 pounds in a week" do this cleanse, do that cleanse.

And we even tried a few of them. and I did lose 8 pounds in 3 days on one of them, so that I could gain 5 of it back the following week. I lost 10 pounds in 7 days eating only fruits and vegetables... and again, gained 8 of it back the next week.
Sorry Vegans... I could never just eat fruits and veggies... that got boring quick!

So anyway, a decent soup to make that is no meat was this one

2-3 large onions chopped
1 head of cabbage
1 green pepper
5-6 celery stalks
2 large cans of diced tomatoes
2 packages of lipton beefy onions soup mix
4-6 cups of water.

Boil until cooked. decent soup, I liked it a lot better the first day then all of the leftovers afterwards.

Also, if you have leftovers from that, the juice is a great seasoning or sauce for anything else you eat. I made stir fry a bunch of times with a little chicken, onions, peas, asparagus, broccoli, peppers and just sauteed it in a pan and used a little bit of that juice instead of a cooking oil. (Tomato juice or v8 works good too)

Those are a couple of the dinners I've had lately. breakfast and lunch are usually nothing but fruits and veggies, Sometimes turkey sandwiches (whole grain wheat bread) We do have a little pasta every once in a while, and we always buy the wheat pasta now. as well as ground turkey in place of any ground hamburger. (ground turkey makes great tacos)


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
99 that sounds like a recipe that might work well w/ my weight watchers points plus plan. Sounds like it would use up 0 points. I copied it and thanks for the info!


Dec 15, 2008
Reaction score
Michigan zone 5b
for the garlic lovers like me....


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
Yum, love garlic! I grow it and freeze the peeled cloves and then take them out when I need them.
Jan 8, 2012
Reaction score
Kalispell, Montana
I bought some stuff from the Hutterites today. I got a chicken some Broccoli, green beans,corn, and a cabbage. Hopefully it is healthy. They grow their own stuff and I believe they are like the amish (as far as growing their own and selling stuff to make a living).
I have been trying to eat healthy for the last couple of years. I went on the hcg diet and lost 15 pounds now they say that the diet isn't safe. anyway I did it again and lost another 15 pounds which I gained back. I have kept off the 15 pounds that I lost in the beginning. yeah. Anyway with all this stuff about our food is scaring the crap out of me.

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