I have been following the GMO's since the late 90's remember Dr Plutzer who worked for Monsanto, created this gmo potato, asked if he work eat it and he said "hell no!" And got fired! he took the harmless snowdrop lectin and the potato and made a monster potato that kills body organs slowly. He since writes and speaks on the subject quite a bit, so all this is old news to me, but very important for people to read and head the warning! I rarely eat corn as it's hard on the kidneys cause of the gmo factor so I eat organic if I must have it.
GMO have also killed vast amounts of grasshoppers. The wheat was also made with a "built in insecticide" so when the grasshopper eats the wheat it dies. If the grasshopper (who can eat almost anything) can no longer eat the wheat.... WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU CAN!!! No wonder so many people can no longer eat wheat, fastest growing section in the grocery store is "wheat free" every notice that!!!
Grasshoppers used to be everywhere, like the bees, but I don't think I saw even one this year up here. I used to play with them as a kid, now I can't find them. When I was in the army, driving to Wainwright on the country road, used to have to stop at car wash every 100 miles and clean the grasshoppers of windshield and the car grill would just stink with cooked grasshoppers! Now on a drive out of town, you would be lucky to have a squashed grasshopper stuck to windshield.
I could go on forever on the GMO topic, the Bible speaks about this also, just Google "what the bible says about gmo's" and see for yourself. I read a books ten years ago about this, was very good, can't find it right now , some powerful stuff, shook me right up for sure.
Just Say No to GMO!!! We need to stop playing "God" and messing with what he created.
By the way, did you know that Corn was originally a "PROTEIN" not a "CARB"? The original corn is that stuff that is black and purple that they now sell as "ornemental" at harvest time, people used to ground that into a maze and make flour with it.
We are now ALL doomed since we let the GMO's out of the "bag"! But that's a real scary subject and you would be really freaked out if I told you everything about it, GMO may also be messing with the "weather"! Did you know that trees "seed the clouds"? Trees are becoming GMO now too cause everything is so very mixed up, grass now pollenating trees... it's a very scary subject...
Did you know God did not make Canola?