I don't think the Founding Fathers created those Constitutional Rights with the intention of zero public safety concerns. The reason back then is quite likely due to "accidents" were simply just something accepted, in otherwords, "stuff happens" and then folk just continued on with their life. I understand this apathy, but this even goes a bit too far for me as well. The entire reason for the creation of background checks was for public safety concerns, which I do not believe the Constitutional Right, when taken literally, would allow these checks to be created.
Yep, driving is a privilege which is the only reason why we are able to properly address drunk driving and to make sure folk who are not blind are not allowed to drive.
If we were take to the Right to Bear Arms literally, then this would also include tanks, bazookas, etc, except we have said, for reasonable public safety concerns, these should not be allowed to be used freely by citizens.
Everytime a weapon is discharged in a public area, then you can be reasonably fined with a firearm discharge citation. I don't think the Right to Bear Arms means we can be able to discharge our firearms whenever and wherever we want to discharge the firearm.
Eventhough we have Freedom of Speech, we can not yell " Run!! Fire!! ", without justifiable cause, in a crowded movie theatre due to the consequences of folk hurting or killing others in reaction to the trampling of others to get out of the theatre.
Freedom is not perfect and we must protect our self from our self. Where is the line drawn ?? This is the reasonable debate... I am glad the progression in the debate at least said background checks were reasonable to do so we are not freely and legally giving guns to the criminally insane at the time of purchase.