George Zimmerman Trial

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coyotes call me Charles
Oct 23, 2011
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Dalhart Texas
Hardiness Zone
CdnJCR said:
Who knows but in most cases a gun makes it easier and helps increase the numbers killed and you think my position of some limited gun control being a good thing is absurd. No emotion here my friend, being Belgium I understand how confused you are on so many fronts.
Nice try at back peddling. That's fine. Clarity is more important than agreement and I think readers understand quite clearly the stances shared here.
Feb 9, 2012
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High Desert Zone 7a
CdnJCR said:
Who knows but in most cases a gun makes it easier and helps increase the numbers killed and you think my position of some limited gun control being a good thing is absurd. No emotion here my friend, being Belgium I understand how confused you are on so many fronts.
Honestly, I really don't mind how Canada handles it's gun control, limited, complete bans, etc. It is none of my business.

But I thank God I am free to walk around Salt Lake City Utah with a loaded firearm concealed, or not depending on how I feel that day and no one cares. The only thing that has ever been said to me are comments on what type of gun it is.

My opinion is that only law abiding people obey laws, and law abiding people are not the problem so more laws wont solve the problem.

But I would never say that is what is good for Canada, as it really is none of my business.
Feb 22, 2013
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Ontario Canada
Hardiness Zone
crsublette said:
Nice try at back peddling. That's fine. Clarity is more important than agreement and I think readers understand quite clearly the stances shared here.
Now what are you talking about you just make this up as you go along I never posted that I supported a gun ban I think I stated something about guns for protection hunting etc. and was corrected that you also need them to protect against your government.


coyotes call me Charles
Oct 23, 2011
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Dalhart Texas
Hardiness Zone
CdnJCR said:
Now what are you talking about you just make this up as you go along I never posted that I supported a gun ban I think I stated something about guns for protection hunting etc. and was corrected that you also need them to protect against your government.
It's ok. No problem. No need to get defensive.
Feb 22, 2013
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Ontario Canada
Hardiness Zone
It is probably best if you just get comments from Americans and like minded Americans only.


coyotes call me Charles
Oct 23, 2011
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Dalhart Texas
Hardiness Zone
Ok. CdnJCR, lets take you serious for a moment. Lets take emotion out of it.

In regards to the case of the crazy old man... Would you like to see better gun enforcement, which is exactly why I shared it, so that crazy old man can not have a gun ?? Or... Would you like to ban all guns on anyone above 50 or what age limit ??
Feb 22, 2013
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Ontario Canada
Hardiness Zone
crsublette said:
Ok. CdnJCR, lets take you serious for a moment. Lets take emotion out of it.

In regards to the case of the crazy old man... Would you like to see better gun enforcement, which is exactly why I shared it, so that crazy old man can not have a gun ?? Or... Would you like to ban all guns on anyone above 50 or what age limit ??
Never mind Charlie please I can't possibly take you seriously even for a moment.
Jul 2, 2012
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Cape Cod, MA
crsublette said:
Ok. CdnJCR, lets take you serious for a moment. Lets take emotion out of it
In regards to the case of the crazy old man... Would you like to see better gun enforcement, which is exactly why I shared it, so that crazy old man can not have a gun ?? Or... Would you like to ban all guns on anyone above 50 or what age limit ??
Hmmmm ... that is like the debate that seniors should automatically lose their driver's licenses once they get to a certain age. I have known quite a few seniors who drive better than most mature, experienced drivers (ie, ruling out kids) ... Hubby's nana was still a great driver at 95 ... at 98, well, my MIL finally pulled it (after realizing she was driving 20 mph down the highway because she couldnt see well enough anymore LOL) ... My MIL, I wish we could have pulled her license a long time ago, as she is scarey to drive with, and has always been so!


coyotes call me Charles
Oct 23, 2011
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Dalhart Texas
Hardiness Zone
capewind said:
Hmmmm ... that is like the debate that seniors should automatically lose their driver's licenses once they get to a certain age. I have known quite a few seniors who drive better than most mature, experienced drivers (ie, ruling out kids) ... Hubby's nana was still a great driver at 95 ... at 98, well, my MIL finally pulled it (after realizing she was driving 20 mph down the highway because she couldnt see well enough anymore LOL) ... My MIL, I wish we could have pulled her license a long time ago, as she is scarey to drive with, and has always been so!

See, that was the reasonable, not emotional, response I was looking for...

Exactly and that was my intention of asking the question. For reasonable enforcement is what you are talking about. :) But we definitely need better authority out there to enforce this type of gun regulation unless we want to see more incidents like from this old crazy man, which I know nobody wants to see occur.


19 years ponding and hopefully 4 more!
Jul 27, 2012
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Hardiness Zone
capewind said:
Without notes in front of me, I am not so sure I would keep every new name or minute detail straight either, and that's without the weeks sitting in a court room, or hours of likely frustration being stuck in a room with 5 other woman LOL. What? I can remember it and I didn't sit there for 5 weeks and 16 hours in verdict watch.

Frankly, the best interests of the jurors would have been a hung jury, not the mental exhaustion they all must have faced from such a high profile trial. Through it all, I believe they did the best they could to make a decision based on law, and NOT what was going on outside or in the rest of the world. NO hung jury!!!!!

Errors or not, I appreciate her time giving anyone interested some insight to what went on off camera.


19 years ponding and hopefully 4 more!
Jul 27, 2012
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Hardiness Zone
I'm not for banning them.

That could happen here as well if he had guns not locked up and loaded. I bet lots of rural folk even here have a rifle at the ready. No one comes to check if we have guns stored properly. In fact we had some severe flooding in some areas recently. THe RCMP entered homes to make sure things were safe, no pets left behind etc. They came across many guns not locked up properly and removed them.

YEs If I go off my meds at 70 I can see it happen!!
crsublette said:
Now, Wayne, here is a perfect case to help your side of the argument... Just now happened. A 70 year old guy, not a concealed gun carry, just a guy with a gun in his house, off his meds and hallucinating, and he killed a 13yo kid (actually a kid in this case) because the crazy old man thought the kid sitting on the old man's porch was going to rob him. This is a perfect case to support where proper enforcement on gun ownership is severely lacking for this guy to own a gun, that is assuming the old man did not illegaly buy the gun off the streets from a thug. Old man is not even trying to claim self defense, rather he is choosing insanity and will likely go to an old folk insanity prison or something.

The sad thing is the Trayvon Martin folk are saying this case is not any different than the Zim case. Why? Because the kid was black and the old man was white. It is almost evil for how they choose to equivocate events.

Wayne, by the time you turn 70 years old, do we need to start worrying about you owning all those guns ya have?? ;) :bdaybiggrin:
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
Cape Cod, MA
In regards to driving, I have to GO to the registry every 5 yrs to renew my license. Most Massachusetts residents can renew online, but since I hold a Class B/Commercial Drivers License (CDL), I am required to renew in person, specificially to take an eye exam. Due to my license catagory, I must prove 20/40 or better vision in BOTH eyes, and MUST have a medical card in possession at all times while in a commercial vehicle over 26000 GVW. To put this in prospective, the average passenger car weighs about 5000 lbs. Hubby's truck loaded is registered at 55.000 GVW ... They want to know the driver can see, and is over all in good health. If I was diabetic, I would fail my medical card. If my blood pressure was higher than 150, I would fail fail my medical card. The legal BAC/breathalizer limit is POINT 08 for class C and D drivers. For class A and B drivers, the limit is POINT 04.

Normal class D drivers, must have vision of 20/40 WITH or WITHOUT corrective lenses in ONE eye (can be totally blind in the other).

20/50 to 20/70 vision, one eye, with any needed corrective lenses for a DAY TIME license.

As of 2010, in Massachusetts, seniors over the age of 75 must apply in person to renew, specificially to pass the standard eye exam.

All of the above MUST be able to see red, green and amber colors.

I know I am being long winded spelling out the licensing requirements, but I dont think it would be unreasonable to ask FID holders, past a certain age, to take an eye exam, and a basic exam designed specificially to look for mental disorders in seniors. If a person has a history of mental illness, they would not qualify for an FID card in the first place...
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