I fished out a dead sparrow from my goldfish pond and suspect the big bullfrog did that. Why do they kill them if they are not going to eat them? Stupid, if you ask me!
Today I got IN my goldfish pond, as I had knocked in a few rocks while pulling out the penny wart. Spotted a HUGE bullfrog, didn't know he was in there! At one point it jumped into the pond, as I was clearing out the bog where he was hiding. But, I had this leopard frog watching me from about 2' away, so yeah, I got out of the pond and back in with camera handy. LOL See how close I am to him in the second pic? That's my fingers just a few inches from him.
How many frogs do you see in this pic?
This little guy was hanging with me while I was in the pond, too. Saw a funny thing this afternoon. I tossed in a grasshopper, and the little bullfrog actually tried to sneak up on it, one leg at a time! It was hilarious, one let, then the other, then back legs one at a time. Then, he missed the grasshopper. I think this guy has been recipient of multiple grasshoppers over the past couple of weeks. They are trained, LOL, they come and watch me when I am out there.