OK, I'm not a fish health expert, but according to the OP the fish were acting different within a matter of four hours. Unless fish parasites are the fastest acting parasites in the world, common sense would tell me that it takes a bit more time than that for parasites to A. spread and B. cause noticeable health problems. But maybe I'm ignorant of the super powers of aquatic parasites. I always remember "when you hear hoof beats, think horses - not zebras".
Hopefully I won't be run over by a herd of stampeding zebras some day...
We dont know the ponds filtration, its perameters nor anything because the OP didnt first read the rules then tell us . ,
Didn't know if the fish had been QT'd by the dealer.
He/she didn't QT them they went straight into the pond ,alongside the ones brough 3 weeks prior and we dont know if they were QT'd to start with, "I dont know about your goodself but these are all major red flags to Val and I".
As such we have to get as much information from the OP as you can including asking questions about things like symptoms that could equate to parasites
Val and I are not fish health expert Lisa and have never claimed to be , we only have 28 years experiance keeping koi this year.
We do however have a good track record with health related issues on this site so I hope this goes along way in counting alott ...
You have to look into every eventuality parasites included the fish may have had a moderate to high level parasite infection but without showing any sign's at all of an infection, you have to remember even our own ponds have them livinging in them (unless you use a UVsterilizer) has have everyone elses ponds.
If you dont believe me take a scrape of your own fish you'll see them in the microscope getting on with their own lives , living on our fish happy as Larry..
Parasites by their very nature are looking for any chink in a fishes defences to become a major issue....
Stress is a main factor in this.................
They then multiply rapidly dependant on water conditions, its temperature etc and coming from Malaysia I'd say its rather warm out there wouldnt you.... which would speed things up.
Plus any parasiites have had three weeks to do so, ( if you read the original post the OP says 2 months for the pond 3 weeks the fish) correct ?
It may well be that the OP wading about the pond has freaked the fish out , it could be water perameters it may well be parasites who knows we arent there
But when looking at things you have to do so as a whole , you have to look at everything ruling each one out, until you come down in the end with an answer to the OP's problem.......