The container of AlgoRem that I purchased had NO instructions for use other than dosage - 50ml/1000 liters of pond water. I now have dead fish. All were mature koi. I am devastated and won't use this product again. There definitely needs to be clear instructions on the container.
Just reading about your loss gives me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. A loss like that can be emotionally devistating, but we recover and we learn.
I thought it would be appropriate to mention that the loss may not be entirely due to toxicity of the chemical that you added. The problem is that when you kill off an overload of algae, you both loose the oxygen that they were contributing to the pond and you now have the bacteria bloom that is feeding on the dead algae. Those bacteria are putting an additional demand for oxygen on the pond. So you quickly go from a well oxygenated environment to an oxygen deprived environment. That is what often kills the fish.
I try to avoid chemicals that will kill the algae. Algae blooms or an excess of algae is usually a sign that the water is overly enriched with nutrients (fish waste). Reducing the nutrients that the algae needs will result in a gradual dying back of the algae. It isn't an instant solution, and we all get impatient when things aren't quite right, but it is a safer approach to managing a pond.
Our small ponds are not natural environments and with too heavy stocking levels, they tend to be unstable. Quick fixes make them more unstable and lead to disasters. I prefer gentle nudges in the correct direction.