AlgoRem does have instructions you peal back its on the inside of the sticker on the back of the bottle you just peal the sticker back and read the instructions , it is safe to use as long as the OP and others who have had fish deaths follow the instructions to the letter i;e that you use it in the morning add extra airstones and at regular intervals check how your fish be they koi or goldfish.
Val and I have used it from time to time with no ill effects to our koi whatsoever.
Did the OP know the exact gallonage of their pond I'm wondering did the OP also add the AlgoRem with the solution mixed with pondwater in a watering can or pour it into the pond without ?
The instructions state you must pour the mixture all around the pond .
Many people do not seem too know their ponds exact gallonage and this is where mistakes often happen, not only with AlgRem but with all the chemicals we use on the pond [when a pond is completed it makes good sense to find the exact gallonage this can be done by buying a digital water meter via Amazon] :-
This is the third inscidence I've read about on GPF this summer now either they are incorrectly using it , one used it in the evening the other didnt mix it with pond water before applying it to the pond , so I ask what mistakes did the OP make as they didnt find the instructions on the inside of the back stricker.
We are quite happy using this product and provided instructions are followed to the letter there should be "NO" fatalities
If we did not think this product safe we would not use it on our pond , do you think we would risk loosing our 30 year old koi and the answer to that would be "NO"