Country Escape's 2nd pond - Goldfish only

Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Back to pond photos. LOL
The bullfrogs have returned to my goldfish pond, although the last few days they have been AWOL because of the very cold temps (20-40's). This morning started out at 30 or so, but going up to 50's this afternoon, and then wind and rain.

I worked in my barn yesterday, preparing a corner for my mare that is supposed to foal in May. I didn't think she was pregnant, until I saw the foal kick HARD 7-8 times about 3 weeks ago. So, figured I'd better get an area ready for her to foal. Before and after shots of my progress from yesterday. I cut out the T&G wall, not sure why it was nailed in there. I can see it being in slots to move in and out, but permanently in place? Just didn't make sense to me. Why have a door then?
Stall area before 1.JPG
Stall wall still up.JPG
Starting to clean up.JPG

Today will work more out there. Hardest part is moving the long sheets of metal that were leftover from my house roof, and put them UP on the other wall of the lean-to. After a hammer fell on my head from 8' ladder (OUCH), and my make shift bracket breaking, I bought metal brackets which I hope will do the trick. Once I get them and vinyl siding put up and out of the way, I can move the bush hog and finish the area. Good job for a rainy day, no?! ;)
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
I needed to take a pic of my goldfish pond for a lady asking questions about a bog, so figured I'd show it here, too. Not much growing in the bog, few irises and the penny wart is beginning to grow, too. Water parsley barely starting out, and the plant from JW (with the little yellow flowers) is also growing. I pulled all the cattails, got tired of them. Hoping to get rid of most of the penny wart on one end, so I can put other "special" plants in there!
Oct 28, 2014
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Cincy Ohio or there abouts!
Hammer to the head, been there done that. One would think I would learn after the first time :confused:

Maybe there was animals in there at one time, that way they could get light, but still have them penned in?
What breed of horse is she? I had one a few years back, got her and mom when she was a week old, paint/QH mix. Kids were scared of her so after 3 yrs off she went. Now we have goats and chickens, much cheaper! :D
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Mitch, yep, the grass is sure greening up, and by this coming weekend, it will be really green, cause we are going to have spring weather finally. Woohoo!
Tahoe, she is a registered Paint (overo in coloring - bay and white). She is bred to a mammoth jack (large donkey) to have a mule baby. She is 16 this year, never had a foal, so I figured a mule baby is probably worth more than a paint breeding stock (no color but socks). Plus, I love mules! Not that I'm going to keep the foal, but it sure will be fun seeing those extra long ears on the baby! Wonder what she will think when it brays, instead of whinnies!
I also have a Paint Fox Trotter mare and a mule. Clyde, the mule, is my best buddy! He is a whole lot of fun to ride, and I giggle each time I'm riding him and see his long long ears flopping back and forth. :) He brays to me each morning when I step outside, too. Quite the personality for sure. Love all my horses, but don't need 3 ... want to sell the older Paint mare if I can prove she can be bred. She has been lame for 3 years now, vet says probably arthritis.
My kids both raised dairy goats, showed them at County then State Fairs. I loved the goats! I milked each morning, they milked after school. The "kids" were a joy to watch grow up, too. Had chickens before I bought my place 5.5 years ago. But, too many red foxes in the neighborhood, and would have taken too long for me to fix up a safe place for them, so sold them before I moved. Miss them, too, but not the smell. LOL If I could have them free range, I would love to have them again. But, neighbors have chickens, so I get my fresh eggs from them, with far less trouble and cost. Win win, if you ask me!
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Nope, never made the cheese. We milked twice a day, and fed the milk to the kids, and extra back to moms. They really milked well getting all that milk with lots of fat back into their bodies. They were show goats, too, and my children did really well showing them. Daughter showed longer than son, and she was really into it more. She showed goats for 10-11 years, and was Champion many times with her girls. :)
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Well, had an almost death in the goldfish pond this morning! I went out to feed, and saw one of the largest goldfish (I'd guess it's 7-8" long) laying on top of a rock on the side of the skimmer, in about 1" of water. Thought he tried to shimmy over the rock to go behind the skimmer, which they sometimes do, and got hung up! But, as soon as I leaned down to check him out, I noticed his head was in a bullfrog's mouth! I hesitated for a millisecond, thinking about getting my camera, but decided much more important to save the goldfish, especially when I saw him tail move. So, I tried to grab the fish, too slippery. Ended up pushing the skimmer forward (it's on a shelf inside the liner), and the frog decided he was going to pull his meal down deeper. No way! I reached down to grab the frog, and he let go of the fish. Both are doing just fine. Checked on the fish this evening (he is the ONLY solid orange/red goldfish I have, so it was easy to see if he made it or not) and still doing fine. Was hanging out by the bog outflow. Pic of the fish was taken this morning, at the bottom, under the waterfall from the stream, so was glad to see it more on the surface this evening. :) Second pic is the bullfrog. I think he was telling me, "You just wait ... next time I'll nab one of your pretty little fantails!" I have no idea why he grabbed the huge goldfish, other than he may have been behind the skimmer and the fish may have swam into that nook as well, made for an easy meal.
Saved goldfish.JPG

Bullfrog tried to eat fish.JPG
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
It seems to me if they REALLY wanted to eat a fish, the fantails would be much easier prey. I count the fantails each morning when I feed, and they are all present and accounted for. Three that are larger, have had several years, and 3 more added about a month ago. I have 6 more in the aquarium since last winter, that will be going out there soon, since the temps are finally going back up to the 70's during the day and only 50's at night. I want them to have the best chance of making it, plus I enjoy looking at them in the aquarium while I sit at my laptop. :)


mad hatter
May 1, 2012
Reaction score
Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
Oh my that bull frog must have been very hungry! Glad he didn't swallow that big goldfish and good kob saving him!

Did you have to save that bad frog too! ha ha , did he require mouth to mouth resuscitation as well? Did u get to kiss a prince ! He he he
ok I am cut off, third vodka screwdriver in my gazebo tonight by the pond.... Going to bed now :wacky::hungry:


water gardener / gold fish and shubunkins
Jun 23, 2010
Reaction score
Frederick, Maryland
Hardiness Zone
United States
lol callingcolleen, thought you were a wino not a vodka tipper! BTW my two fav drinks when we feel like having some drinks.

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