Country Escape's 2nd pond - Goldfish only

Sep 3, 2011
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sure would like to see some pics of your second pond if your finished with it i browsed around and couldnt find any only one i see is your profile pic if that is your finished pond??
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Dave, this is actually my second pond thread, thus "Country Escape's 2nd pond - Goldfish Only" in the title. :) My first pond was dug in 2011, and it's under this same construction forum, called "The Pond Dig Has Begun". I warn you, that thread is also very long, lots of friends, we post anything and everything on it, too. LOL But, the first part is pictures ... lots of pics. I am a camera fanatic, love to have pics from beginning to end. This thread I tried to keep the pics to more of what changed daily during the build, and then pics of the fun ever since!
Let me know if you need help finding the other thread. In fact, I'll go to that one, and copy the link, then come back here and post it, so you can click on it, assuming I can figure out how to do that. :blueflower:
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
The puppies do look very much alike, GardenGirl. I can tell them all apart already, but seeing them up close, there are differences in their white collars and patterns. They are all going to be brindle, two of them lighter than the 3rd puppy. They are plump little butterballs, thinking they will need to go on a diet soon. LOL With just 3 puppies, and a mama dog that makes lots of milk, they will never go hungry. Denali likes to hunt for frogs in the ditch, but runs back to the babies anytime she thinks she hears anything. Eyes are beginning to open up, but none have them all the way open yet. Will post more pics in a day or so. When they begin to crawl, it will take them longer because they look like baby walruses. Heehee
And, Shawn, I agree with you about puppy breath. I am actually allergic to dogs, but you would never keep me away from puppies. I have to put them right up to my nose to smell them. These babies have been handled since they were born. I believe in imprinting of all animals, and puppies are no exception. Newborn foals are touched and played with before they even stand up. Well, that was when we used to raise a foal every couple of years anyhow. Been years now .... but still believe in imprinting. They all bond with their mother immediately, but I want humans to be a close second.
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Thanks for the compliment, DavePratt. I guess you found the other link without me pasting it then. It has been a fun ride, to say the least. Right now, I'm battling losing fish in the goldfish pond, came home from week vacation to 5 dead fish, and the death toll is up to about 10 as of this morning, and 6 very sick fish in Q-tank. Still have no idea what is causing the issue, water tests all good. Going to do a large water change tonight, but going to scrape one of the sick fish in the Q-tank tonight, and/or catch one that looks somewhat sick, and scrape it and put under microscope (which I will purchase today ...) and see if I can tell what is going on from that. All fish LOOK just fine, that's the part that baffles me to no end. Fish in Q-tank, lethargic, not swimming much, but no red spots or white slime. Must be something invisible to the naked eye. We shall see ...


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
If what is wrong w/ your fish is internal I think there are those here that might know by looking at your fish internally what could be the cause. This of course would require and autopsy and not sure you would be comfortable doing this type of procedure. If you can do it you might either post a new thread w/ photo's and title the post, Beware not for the squeamish or else pm someone w/ knowledge w/ your photos. I don't know if there would be a safe way to mail a fish to someone to take a look at w/o it decomposing too much?
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Never thought about cutting one open, JW, getting more and different information seems like every day, just have no way to know what is the root of this problem without an expert on site. I would have no problem cutting open a dead fish, but I guess I would need to know what they wanted to look at specifically. My camera takes real good close up pics. Maybe I will post a new thread, although I've already got one going on fish that have died, so maybe will post it on there. Dave from the UK sent me a link to e-book, so hoping to read up on the issues that are possibilities, and see if anything clicks.
Tonight I talked to another man locally, who raised prawn (freshwater shrimp) and he seems to think that the fungicide which was sprayed by plane a day or two before I got home from UT (to find 5 dead fish, the first of over 10 now that have died) could very likely be the problem. He suggested that I put 3 of the 6 fish from the Q-tank into a bucket of fresh well water with no chemicals added, and see what happens. As he said, if they bounce back, I will know that the water is the issue, not a parasite. I've seen no flashing, so that leads me to believe that parasites is not the problem. Just need to keep adding possibilities to the list, and then marking them off when I find they are not the cause.
Not a one store in my area (Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Menards, Rural King) had a microscope "but we will have the kiddie ones before Christmas" ... so I came home empty handed ... again. At least I can read the book on my computer, so that will make me feel better.
And, while I was draining the pond down (25% water change tonight) and then filling it, I did mess around with the waterfall and landscaping, and that relieved lots of stress I've been under with this fish issue. I'm hoping to have some alert bouncy fish in the morning in the bucket! Praying for a quick recovery, and something that I can fix sooner rather than later .... we shall see ...


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
Hoping too that the clean water does the trick. If it does you can slowly change all your pond water out w/ hose in and pumping some out at the same rate. I do this to my pond once in awhile and they all live through it just fine. Just do it slowly.
Sep 3, 2011
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also not sure if this relates but when i was younger living in an apartment i had a saltwater tank well they came in my apartment when i was at work and sprayed for bugs or whatever and by the time i got home from work all my fish were dead so pesticides could be the prob believe me
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Yep, Dave, I did see the post. In fact, I've fogged my house for bugs/fleas, have 2 aquariums inside, just knew to cover them, both are fine. I'm sure your pest people didn't take the time to cover your tanks. Sorry to hear about the loss of fish back then. The initial fish died when I was gone, probably the last day, as the kids didn't notice any dead fish, and they would have, as they were front and center when I got home 2 weeks ago. It wasn't a pesticide or herbicide, it was a fungicide, and although it should be safe for any water source, it's still a possibility. However, I have to wonder why it would bother the goldfish pond and not the koi pond? They are pretty much side by side. Maybe koi are hardier? Three koi in the goldfish pond are fine, which leads me to believe that whatever is attacking my fish is going after those less hardy.

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