That's what I need, a timer on the faucet outside, that I have to turn that on to turn the water on. Will have to look into that. I usually set the timer on the stove in the house, and of course I forgot. I think of something, but by the time I get into the house, 15 seconds later, I have totally forgotten! My water table is so high where I live, and with all the rain we have had this spring, it's running good, so no chance to run out of water. I had water right away after shutting off the hose, in fact it never shut off in the house. But, you're right, I sure don't want to burn up a pump! MUST BE MORE CAREFUL ....
Tonight, I looked for over 30 minutes for the bolts for the windmill. I kept coming back to the dog shed, as that was the first placed I looked. I almost ALWAYS find things in the first place I look. Anyhow, it WAS in the dog shed, I had hung the bag on a nail on the wall. Go figure! Right in front of my nose, but I was focusing on the shelves, windowsill, etc. that the bag was laid down on, not hanging on the freaking wall! THEN, I needed to change out the drill bit, and could not find the chuck to change it! So, guess I need to buy one tomorrow. Sooo frustrating! I remember that chuck was attached to the cord for the drill, but it came off, and I put it somewhere .... yeah ... somewhere. Lord only knows where at this point! I'm terrible about not putting tools back where they belong, but getting better!