Both ponds are full and overflowing. Been light rain off and on (mostly ON) the last few days. Had already 3.2" as of yesterday a.m., then had more rain yesterday, woke up this morning to light rain again. I'm sure the newly planted flowers and bushes are enjoying the rain, but ok, enough is enough. LOL Grass is way past ankle high, and doesn't look like it will dry out enough to mow until maybe Wed. That will mean 9 days between mowings ... oh well, I do always like to mow high, just not THIS high! I've sprayed Weed B Gone, so can't even give the clippings to the horses, nor use it on my garden, so just blowing it around, let it mulch back into the grass. Will have to mow every 3 days or so, try to get it back down to the normal "high" setting. Lots to do between now and then, though. Need to spray Round Up on driveway to the barns, that always pleases me greatly to see the grass die, and then you can see the rock again! Need to have more rock hauled, but needs to be far drier than it is right now. Lots to do, not enough money. Somehow I will get it all done ... in time.
Here are some pics taken this morning, in the drizzly rain, of my ponds and stream. Lots of lily pads on the surface of both ponds. The very green leaves in the first pic are from the lake lily that I found 2 years ago. It never bloomed last year, so we shall see if it does this year. If not, it's gone.

This chameleon plant, which I think the guy at the nursery told me to watch it so it didn't get out of the pond, it is very invasive, barely made it through to this year! Wondering how it can possibly be invasive. Maybe this year it will take off.

Water clover FINALLY has some size to it, growing really fast in these wet rainy days.

Noticed the purple pond irises are about the bloom! Can't wait, as I also have a bunch of them in the areas around the ponds.