What an absolutely gorgeous day I had today! I worked outside all day, and my body was screaming by the time I came inside just before 7 to have something to eat ... had not eaten all day, which is normal for me when I get busy outside.
Took some fish pics. These are what I've referred to as my "blue" Shubunkins. The large one I think is a male from Pond Kid, VERY long tail, very pretty. The other two are ones I bought at Wal-Mart a year ago Dec., and put in the pond last year April. They have grown a lot and have not changed their color pattern at all, which is what I was hoping for.

Then this is the same bluish background with red and black specks, therefore his/her name is "Speck". It's a fantail I got same time as the above fish. Again, I'm trying to get some tri-colored fish that retain all 3 colors as they grow up.

Other goldfish, the first pic is one of the original fish when I originally bought the 55 gal aquarium that came with some goldfish. The other pics are of the goldfish happy as can be in this warm weather, pond temps were close to 60 this afternoon.

I counted at least 10 separate frogs at one time, but this pic was cute, one in the water, one up on the rock above him.

I just noticed this large (about 7" or so) Comet has developed 3 bumps on the side of it's head. Anyone know what may be causing this? It seems to swim and act perfectly normal.

And, lastly, I'm hoping Adavisus is watching this thread, and can tell me if I can remain hopeful for my Golden Club to emerge yet.

The root or crown or whatever it's called seems to be firm, not smooshy or anything, but nothing is growing yet. It's under the water, about 4-5" deep. However, besides the last 3 days, we previously had temps in the 40's daytime and down to the 20's last week night time temps. So, maybe it just needs more days of warmth and consistent warm water to start growing, I'm hoping.