Addy, the leaves are really nice, King of Siam are green, the Red Flame night bloomer has burgandy leaves. I've seen buds coming up, but then notice they are gone before they get to the surface, so I'm thinking they must be yummy! The leaves are not being messed with, though, so will leave them for now. The leaves were on the surface right away, probably just a little deeper than your 12" you have yours in.
Sissy, I pour some fertilized water in my water pots every now and then, did just this morning. The one lotus that survived is just barely surviving. It's a small version, had some blooms, but they were not very pretty. I have seeds, going to try to grow some in the late winter next year and see how they do. Have all colors, so we shall see if any of them grow and if they bloom true to color as well! I think I have 5 seeds of 6 different colors, so it should be fun and interesting.