Thanks, all. The photos of the Praying Mantis were taken with super macro mode, not zoomed in, I was that close. She just held real still. That's why the one where she's looking at me, it was funny, cause it was like she was saying, "What's your problem? Leave me alone, ok?" I took others, and cropped the one of her eyes, to see them much closer, and this is what it looks like ... cool, huh?!

JW, I was told that a Praying Mantis in your house, behind your curtains, will stay there as long as you have any type of flies or bugs. They will keep them all eaten up. I've never heard of them eating blackberry bushes, though. I thought they were bug eaters, but maybe they eat plants, too! The pretty lady was on the same plant again this evening, so that must be her pad. I'm worrying about the bugs this year with the drought. So few, no mosquitos to speak of, which I'm not complaining of at all, but I bet my barn swallows are hurting! Seems not much action morning or evening with the birds. No bugs in abundance in my yard this year.
When I was a little girl (ok, when I was YOUNG, I'm still little, LOL), I used to catch butterflies and mount the nice ones. I always wanted one of those little blue butterflies, but they are very fast and hard to catch. Never did catch one, so they have always been special to me. These guys are going wherever I water and there is wet dirt, too. They gather moisture from the ground, but the ones in the pic are drinking from the bog itself.
Larkin, post a pic of your tattoo. Bet it's cool!
When I was a child in Phoenix, I remember watching tiny babies emerge from an egg sac on our big backyard slide. I was on the steps, watching them for hours. They were maybe 1/2" in length when born, and looked exactly like the parents. Soooo adorable. Loved them ever since. And, this lady has such a personality! She is in no hurry to leave, unless I touch her. She will look away, then look at me, then away, probably planning her escape route if necessary. When I saw her while watering tonight, I made sure to not spray her, which I probably did the other 2 times, not looking for her first.
Glad you guys liked the pics!