I'm finally at a point where I can say "I'm done" with what I originally wanted to get completed this summer! Here are the results, tying the two ponds together with the stream, and finishing the center area for a "sitting area". Will put the porch swing in that area and eventually have a fire pit on the outside edge as well.

I'm really happy how everything has turned out. Goldfish pond is crystal clear (I keep hoping to see little fry, as I know the fish have spawned at least twice if not more already) but so far no luck. I think if I sat in one place and stared under the lilies, I might get to see one or two. The koi pond is finally clearing up as well. Been a long road for that pond, but so far no string algae has come back, crossing my fingers and toes!
I'm at the point where I can just sit back and enjoy the rest of the summer, no more work HAS to be done, but I'm sure I'll be doing odds and ends all year long. I have company coming this weekend, then my sister in 2 weeks and mom and her boyfriend the week after that! So, am very happy all is "finished" this year, instead of water in the pond but nothing was finished looking last year this time!
And, once again, thanks to everyone on here for your help! I could not have built either of these ponds without your help!
Oh, and just for giggles, here's my pregnant Boston Terrier! Poor thing sleeps upside down and in the strangest positions lately. She is due this Sunday, so is VERY uncomfortable .... she's going to be happy to get those buggers out of her tummy!

And in this photo, she was sleeping just like this, sitting up, and when I turned on my camera, it made a "turning on" sound and she woke up, and stared at the tv, guess she thought the tv was going to turn on. When it didn't, she slowly lowered her head back to this position. LOL