Today was very productive! Finally unloaded the 100 or so sheets of old roof sheet metal from my barn renovation last fall, and came home with $213.50 in cash! Woohoo! Love recycling. LOL
Then, in between rain showers, I cleaned up some of the manure from the paddock area of the horses, and moved landscape stones around the flower beds by the stream. Saw this toad on the wall of the goldfish pond.

Wonder if she had anything to do with these toad eggs in the goldfish pond, hanging from the lilies and some ludwigia stems.

I wanted some of them to survive, although the goldfish didn't seem to be interested in them ... yet ... so I moved the ludwigia stem with eggs wrapped around it to the bog. Hoping to see the teeny tiny tadpoles when they hatch! At least they will have more of a chance if start out in here.

This frog was right on the lily pad next to where I wanted to photograph the toad eggs, and this pic is not zoomed in or cropped. I took it at most 12" from the frog! This is what I mean about this type of frog, whatever it is, being very sociable.

This guy, same type as above, was more afraid, hiding behind the rocks at the bog overflow. It seems to be here a lot!

And, I posted this in my other thread, but does anyone know what type of bug this is? It was in the pea gravel in koi pond bog, as I was gathering some from the bottom to put on top of pots. It looks like some type of nymph, but I have no clue what type of bug it is, or maybe this is full grown, just some type of water bug. It went back into the bog, right to the bottom and seemed comfy there.