PL, I think it's murky. The algae I pull out is only on the bottom, and it's green, looks very fresh and lush. I do stir up some silt from the bottom, but it's kind of sandy looking, light brown. The water is just brown/green murky. I had pea soup green water last year, this is NOT that! I do have a UV light on my koi pond, but not on the goldfish pond, and they are both the same. I did, however, use the koi pond water to begin my goldfish pond water fill, so whatever the koi pond had/has, the goldfish pond also has. I just think the beneficial bacteria needs time to get going, plus the plants. I'll give it another month before I get too worried. I did lose a baby koi, one that I purchased last December, though, so that's not a good thing. First fish I've lost that died. One fish jumped out, but other than that, can't remember losing another one. I'm not feeding, except maybe once on the weekend and one other time during the week. It's driving me crazy that I can't see the bottom. I need to get the goldfish netted out of there, and have a neighbor that said she would come by on Sunday and help me, but I'm somewhat afraid to walk in there barefooted, after having those 2 baby snappers that showed up last fall! I worry that their mother or father is sitting on the bottom of my pond. I have no idea if I'm missing any of the small goldfish ... I just HATE snapping turtles, and not being able to see to the bottom, I guess I would wear my scuba booties. LOL Such a chicken, I know! And, there are rocks that have fallen in, so I'll freak each time I hit one of them, too! Have to walk very carefully because of the trapdoor snails, so would be best to do it barefooted, but not with murky water ... NO WAY!!!