Got tons done today! Here are the progress pics, and the detailed pics of the PVC pipes in the bog, per special request of JW.

Here's what the bog looked like when I began this morning.

I finished laying the inner wall blocks which will be slightly higher than the pond height when the water is at full line.

I put down underlayment, followed by the liner.

Then I laid out the PVC pipe and began getting pieces cut and ready to put together. Here is the intake T pipe and attachments before they were put together. The black pipe is sewer drain pipe, 1 1/4" ID.

Then I marked the pipes where I wanted the holes to be drilled (couldn't find my power saw, so opted to drill 1/4" holes instead). The holes will be rotated to the bottom of the pipe when done. Do you like my "clamp"? Haha, 2 landscape stones that I laid the pipe between to drill holes.

Once I had all the holes drilled, I put the pipes back together to make sure everything fit, and then glued them together. I hadn't planned to glue them, but they wanted to come apart since there was a turn, so figured the last thing I wanted to do was dig out the bog to repair the pipe. All is glued except the clean out caps. They are on tight, but can be removed.

Then came the pea gravel, which I shoved from the truck bed into the tractor scoop. Sure made it go fast! Got another load today, but have not put it in yet. That will get done tomorrow.

And, last but not least, I added water through the pipes, to make sure all was working. It did!!! I didn't fill it to the point of overflowing, but wanted to get the stuff "wet". Will let the dirt settle tonight and see how it goes tomorrow filling to rest of the gravel, after I finish the outside walls. This way I have another level with the water in the bog to work with.