Thanks for ideas everyone, but I have no clue what a level hanging on a string is. LOL What I did was pounded 2 stakes into the ground, they stuck above the new pond. Then, I used my level, and a tape measure, figured how high above the pond level I wanted the bog wall, used the level and that measurement (6") on the tape measure, when the level was on the 6" and level and the tape measure was barely touching the water, I marked the stake. I figure the water will ALWAYS be level, so that was my running level. LOL We shall see when I add water how it worked.
Got my grass mowed tonight, so that is done for the weekend. Geesh, just mowed on Sunday, and it needed it BAD. Had to run the sweeper. Horses enjoyed some, and the rest went on the garden.
I'm hoping to have the inside (against the pond) bog wall leveled with the ceramic blocks (have about 2/3 of them already in place) by tomorrow evening. What I'm doing is adding clay to the ground level wall that I left between the pond and bog, so that the blocks will be level on the top. I realize the dirt/clay may very likely settle, but I pound it down, and then use the butt of my little shovel to tamp the blocks in place, so hopefully not too much settling will happen. I'm REALLY anxious to get the pea gravel rinsed and put in and the big pump running the water through there. I know that it won't be filtering much with not many plants in there yet, but at least it will filter through the pea gravel. May put a couple of bags of that volcanic rock or whatever that stuff is called in there, too. Guess plants can grow around that as well as the pea gravel. Just have a few parts to buy tomorrow then I will be set to put it all together on Sat., and rinse the pea gravel. I'm sure I'll need more, but the place is just up the road, so it will be easy to get more. I'm really hoping my idea of using the hose and the tractor scoop on an angle will work to rinse the gravel. We shall see! That sure will make it much easier. Shovel it into the tractor scoop, move scoop where the water can run off of the gravel, then go dump gravel into the bog! Sounds too easy to me, so probably will be a problem somewhere, but I'm hoping not!