Country Escape's 2nd pond - Goldfish only


water gardener / gold fish and shubunkins
Jun 23, 2010
Reaction score
Frederick, Maryland
Hardiness Zone
United States
Your fish are going to happy little campers, or is it fishers.........humm
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
I got more work done today. Ended up getting 3 truck loads of pea gravel (I have a 3/4 ton truck, and I think I was getting a ton at a time), plus 2 loads of rock (it was I think 2 ton of rock, but again not positive). So the pea gravel is filled in, I rinsed it and let it drain out the back like Addy suggested (GREAT idea, BTW, Addy) until it was draining clear.
Rinsing pea gravel, flushing out the far end onto the gras.JPGPea gravel rinsing is done.JPG
Then I got the 2 loads of rock. This is the second load still on my truck. Had to unload the first load so I could get back there before 4 to get the second load.
Other half of rocks.JPG
Wasn't sure I was going to like this rock, as it's more rectangular and square and triangular, rather than odd shaped or more rounded. But, it's working really well on the "shelf" on the inside walls.
Inside bog wall rock in place.JPG
In this last picture of the wall, you can see where the overflow will be for the bog to drain into the pond, on the right hand side, under the largest stone on the right. I don't have the liner pushed down yet, as I didn't want it draining into the pond yet.
Overflor of bog will be under large rock on right.JPG
And, the aquarium fish got moved today.
Goldfish from aquarium put into the new pond.JPG
They look soooo small compared to the babies that my goldies had last year. That just goes to show how fast they grow in a pond vs aquarium. There are 2 fantails (I love the one with red spot on each portion of the fantail, plus on the head), 3 Shubunkins, and 2 Sarassas. I have several more, but they are smaller, so will wait to put them in.
I'm getting the large stump ground up and removed tomorrow, so that meant getting creative with tarps to keep the wood chips from getting into either pond. I'll take pics in the a.m. after I tarp the goldfish pond. LOL The koi pond looks like it has a tent over it. But, it should serve the purpose pretty well to keep most of the stuff out.
And, while I was messing with putting some of the rocks in place, a bullfrog croaked about 5 times, and I know he was in the goldfish pond, but for the life of me, I sure could not find him! I have at least 3 big boys in the ponds, and am really enjoying them croaking in the evenings, and sometimes during the day. My pond went in after their mating season last year, I guess. Didn't hear them more than a few times. This year is much nicer.
Nov 11, 2010
Reaction score
Chicago Area
Hardiness Zone
United States
Country, Everything is looking really nice. The rocks were a nice addition. I bet that was a lot of work getting them set between the new pond and the bog!


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
CE the bog looks great, I love it and thanks so much for explaining and showing photos of the whole process. Glad that the idea addy gave you for washing the gravel out worked good. I think this is going to be so fun for you planting the bog and all the area around the pond. You have so much room for things to grow. Can't wait to see your fish swimming around in their own ponds. Go ahead pat yourself on the back, you deserve it!
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Thanks, everyone! I'm sure there will be more dirt coming off the pea gravel once I plug the 4200 Laguna up to it. LOL But, will run that for a short time and flush again, hopefully get most of it out on the grass, rather than into the pond. I also caught 3 more goldfish from the big pond, including Spot, the fantail, and one of the big females. Tried using the seine net, definitely need at least 2 people. I was in the goldfish pond, when I dumped the bucket over that the little pump was on, had to go in and retrieve it. Then decided to get into the koi pond, but figured I'd only stress them out, so decided to wait for help.
Here are some pics of what my "tents" look like on my ponds. Going to have that big stump ground out today, and didn't want the stuff to get into the ponds. I'm hoping these will work. The goldfish pond tarp was just barely enough to cover it, and figured if I elevated the far end, the stuff might still go over it into the pond. Have one end up off of the pond, though. Will get that off as soon as I get home!
Goldfish pond covered.JPGGoldfish pond covered for stump removal.JPGTarzan checking out the tent.JPGTent over koi pond ready for stump removal.JPG
Oh, and I hooked up the skimmer again last night and it was working perfectly, so have no idea what was wrong previously. Maybe the pump was plugged, not sure. But, have the pump propped on an upside down 5 gallon bucket, one to keep it out of any additional much on the bottom, and two to aerate the surface with the bubbling action.
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Oh, almost forgot. Bought a few bog plants yesterday. Several of the pots had "extras" in them, so of course those were the ones I chose. I got a chameleon plant, which the nursery guy said to make SURE it does not get out into the grass or garden area. Said they are invasive and extremely difficult to remove, once established. So, those will go in the higher up koi pond bog, where there is no chance for them to reach over the edge and establish itself. The goldfish bog will be about 10" off the ground so may try a start of it in there, too. Also got water clover (he says it grows fast, too, and may try to take over) and he would not give me a start of this really cute plant that is growing from the bottom of his goldfish pond, maybe 18" down, in the muck on the bottom (I would put in pots) because he said it is also invasive, and hard to control. Oh well ... I will take pics of them this evening after I remove the tarps. :)


Life is good today!
Jan 8, 2012
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Milan, TN
Hardiness Zone
CE - everything you've done looks great. Love your tents!! I hope they will protect your fishy's from all the shavings from the tree stump. Look forward to more pictures.


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
Looks like those tents will sure help keep the junk out CE. I figured you'd need at least 2 peeps to help w/ your seine net. Hope you can get someone to help ya. Your pond looks so nice w/ the mulch and all the plants and what a nice view to look at from your deck. It really looks great! I had the Chameleon plant in my garden for awhile and then I found out how invasive it was so ripped it out and put it tucked in around the pond rocks and I guess it didn't like so much water and it died. It is a very pretty plant tho.


They call me Ryan
Sep 15, 2011
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Indianola Iowa zone 5a-5b
CE... if your gonna split the flow from the pump and .the flow not sent to the bog is gonna be just used for pond circulation. when venturied, it can do some aeration as well. check this out.....
this is a simple venturi...but it gives you the idea. that was with a 1000gph pump. 2000 gph would blow that away. the more flow the more air drawn in.

What keeps the water from going out of the venturi? I tried something similar to my filter last year but from the top of my tube going down to the swirl bars to the water level in the skippy is about a foot drop. I get tons of bubbles coming up from the bottom of my skippy on the ends by the swirl bars. Would I even need a venturi?


water gardener / gold fish and shubunkins
Jun 23, 2010
Reaction score
Frederick, Maryland
Hardiness Zone
United States
Glad it help you in cleaning your pea gravel, great job CE and love those rocks. All is looking fantastic.
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Had to mow my yard again ... geesh, just mowed on Thurs!!! It was so tall I had to sweep it again, darn it! But, I don't mind, it looks sooo nice when it's fresh mowed and smells so good, too!
PL, the tents and tarp on the goldfish pond did the job, but some stuff did get into the smaller pond. I scooped most of it out with a net, and then cleaned out the skimmer really well again. Forgot to take pics of the plants, though. Barely got done sweeping the yard, finished it in the dark. Will try to remember to take pics in the a.m. of the bog plants I bought and post them. This weekend I'll be planting them, if not before.
Addy, I turned on the "big" pump after I ran some more water through the hose through the bog. The pressure from the pump brought up very little dirt, unless I walked on the rock to stir it up. I'm sure when I mess in it to plant stuff, it will run dirty but not for long. I watched while the pump was running and shut it off after only maybe 10 minutes, then had to refill the pond, as it dropped about 4". BUT, now I feel ready to open the bog to the pond. Woohoo!!! Then I can plant the new plants and separate some others in the other bog and put some of them in it, too. Then, I'm going back on your bog thread, Addy, to read up on the plants, and figure out which ones can be planted in the gravel, which ones need to be potted, and I already know which ones need to be brought in for winter, so those definitely go in the bog in pots.
Keith, the rocks were easy to place. I made the ledge wide enough for the blocks on edge, which took up about 4", and there was still about 4-6" for the rocks. The rocks are on a ledge, and then there will be rocks on top of the wall to hide that between pond and bog. This time I planned it correctly, last time, I goofed it up so the liner shows between pond and bog. That was my major goof up on the first pond, but live and learn. :)

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