I got more work done today. Ended up getting 3 truck loads of pea gravel (I have a 3/4 ton truck, and I think I was getting a ton at a time), plus 2 loads of rock (it was I think 2 ton of rock, but again not positive). So the pea gravel is filled in, I rinsed it and let it drain out the back like Addy suggested (GREAT idea, BTW, Addy) until it was draining clear.

Then I got the 2 loads of rock. This is the second load still on my truck. Had to unload the first load so I could get back there before 4 to get the second load.

Wasn't sure I was going to like this rock, as it's more rectangular and square and triangular, rather than odd shaped or more rounded. But, it's working really well on the "shelf" on the inside walls.

In this last picture of the wall, you can see where the overflow will be for the bog to drain into the pond, on the right hand side, under the largest stone on the right. I don't have the liner pushed down yet, as I didn't want it draining into the pond yet.

And, the aquarium fish got moved today.

They look soooo small compared to the babies that my goldies had last year. That just goes to show how fast they grow in a pond vs aquarium. There are 2 fantails (I love the one with red spot on each portion of the fantail, plus on the head), 3 Shubunkins, and 2 Sarassas. I have several more, but they are smaller, so will wait to put them in.
I'm getting the large stump ground up and removed tomorrow, so that meant getting creative with tarps to keep the wood chips from getting into either pond. I'll take pics in the a.m. after I tarp the goldfish pond. LOL The koi pond looks like it has a tent over it. But, it should serve the purpose pretty well to keep most of the stuff out.
And, while I was messing with putting some of the rocks in place, a bullfrog croaked about 5 times, and I know he was in the goldfish pond, but for the life of me, I sure could not find him! I have at least 3 big boys in the ponds, and am really enjoying them croaking in the evenings, and sometimes during the day. My pond went in after their mating season last year, I guess. Didn't hear them more than a few times. This year is much nicer.