Brexit Vote?

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President, Raccoon Haters International
Feb 18, 2014
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Southern Ontario
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It was interesting to see the demographic breakdown on the vote results. I found it surprising that 70% of the "yes" vote came from the demographic that won't be alive fifteen years from now.

A narrow margin such as the one displayed with Brexit shouldn't be binding. In Canada there was a specific requirement for a clear majority in regards to the separation of Quebec from the rest of Canada.

Now it looks like Scotland and Northern Ireland will vote to separate from England itself.

30 year low on the pound, Lloyds, RBS, Barclay's all taking a pounding. Magna International had planned a 2.5million sq.ft. stamping plant in England, but has now pulled out..........

Who was that politician that said an exit from the EU could pump 350 thousand pounds a day into the NHS, but later one said............"Well, maybe not that much......". Typical politician.


coyotes call me Charles
Oct 23, 2011
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Dalhart Texas
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A narrow margin such as the one displayed with Brexit shouldn't be binding. In Canada there was a specific requirement for a clear majority in regards to the separation of Quebec from the rest of Canada.

@morewater , from what I hear, the same applies to the UK... Some sort of rule stating that another referenda can be done since the margin was not large enough.. ..but... even though Cameron resigned... he is still the Prime Minister until October, that is if there will be replacement of him before October... Supposedly, Prime Minister Cameron still has some say as to whether to push for another referenda or not... but he doesn't want to...

My bet is that Cameron is playing a game here as well... He actually wants events to fail quite miserably so that the failures place his political competition in the historical trash heap for many decades to come... So then... by October or the next election... there will be a major sweep of politicians being elected that wanted to "stay" with the EU.


coyotes call me Charles
Oct 23, 2011
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Dalhart Texas
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Not sure if this was in reply to my comment but I was defo not saying that voting leave makes you a racist
Regarding racism, I certainly don't think that all leave voters are racist. But it's a sure bet that all racists will have voted leave, which is where the association comes from.

Right, so one side racists did not join and the other side racists did join... thus...

If folk voted to "leave" the EU, then there is a higher chance these voters might be a racist...

The word "racist" is being used far too loose here.... just to fear monger people to vote for the "stay" position... which was one of the reasons why the polls were so skewed for the "stay" position... if people did not want to be thought of "possibly being a racists", then vote to "stay"...


coyotes call me Charles
Oct 23, 2011
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Dalhart Texas
Hardiness Zone
Now it looks like Scotland and Northern Ireland will vote to separate from England itself.

Most likely will... but then will likely want to return back with UK... since it was UK (not the EU) that bailed out Scotland and Ireland's banking system sometime ago in 2008...

Scotland and Ireland has been leaching much from the UK...
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coyotes call me Charles
Oct 23, 2011
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Dalhart Texas
Hardiness Zone
30 year low on the pound, Lloyds, RBS, Barclay's all taking a pounding. Magna International had planned a 2.5million sq.ft. stamping plant in England, but has now pulled out..........

Who was that politician that said an exit from the EU could pump 350 thousand pounds a day into the NHS, but later one said............"Well, maybe not that much......". Typical politician.

@morewater , stuff like this is always going to be volatile.. No way would there not be significant ramifications...

From what I hear, will take 2 years for UK to actually exit the EU and nobody knows, especially not the markets, are going to know what type of trade deals will be allowed to happen...

There is talk now that the markets are exaggerating their reactions to the uncertainty. I think most of the fear mongering will now be driven by these exaggerated market reactions until UK's next election.

So basically... when elections come up...

Is the "stay" crowd going to act as obstructionists to not help UK's economy due to resentment of leaving the EU?
May 5, 2013
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Le Roy, New York
"It was interesting to see the demographic breakdown on the vote results. I found it surprising that 70% of the "yes" vote came from the demographic that won't be alive fifteen years from now."

With age comes wisdom. At the rate that Europe is changing In another generation it won't be the same or even close to what it is now. If Europe wants a one nation type government then that is what they should vote for. Having Brussels make rules for sovereign countries makes no sense to me. Great Brittan is a great country and will come out of this without a scratch. It's the other countries that depend on GB's wealth that should be worried.
May 6, 2016
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Upstate CA
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Regarding racism, I certainly don't think that all leave voters are racist. But it's a sure bet that all racists will have voted leave, which is where the association comes from.

I, like @Hooded Ram, run my own business here in the UK. It has already been negatively affected by the result of the referendum and this is highly likely to continue. We are already looking in to moving to Germany / Canada.

The way I see things is simple: trading within the single market is crucial to the UK economy, and if you want to be part of that club you have to follow the rules. I'd rather be part of the club and have a say in the rules. The majority of leave voters seem to think we can have our cake and eat it (ie, we can trade in the single market, not pay anything to the EU, not be subject to regulations, impose border restrictions etc) but that simply will not happen.

Everything we have seen in the news recently makes me feel sick to my stomach. I have never been so ashamed of my country :cry:

You can adapt to a volcanic eruption too... doesn't mean you'd want it to happen though.

Thats the gist Ive been getting in the news, but tbh?, I think Americans should have little to say on the subject accept to ask questions and opinions of the people who have to live with the decisions. We have enough crazy politics on our side of the pond.
Americans are notoriously selfish about how it will effect us rather then how it effects your lives. Now that its done, we, (on the left especially) take it as a warning to not let our politics get so radical. Its the strangest time in political history, since you guys left the Cathlic church maybe! Haha!
May 6, 2016
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Upstate CA
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Can I ask a question of you Brits? Do you have partisan news channels like we do? Some all for the right and some all for the left?
May 6, 2016
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Upstate CA
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E.U. was basically created, at an attempt of "can't we all just get along" reconciliation, as a result of all the big wars among the countries in Europe. There is this thinking now that, if the E.U. dissipates, then all the European countries are going to want to start wars with each other.

So, now, there is also this thinking that the E.U. might just want to economically punish the U.K. (which unfortunately POTUS Obama and Hillary said they may support this type of punishment), which may result in a war between the U.K. and the E.U. ... and since USA and the U.K. are probably the strongest alliance in this world (we're basically siblings) and siblings look out for each other, then ya can figure what happens next if E.U. decides to economically punish the U.K.

I think a slight, bit, tremendously radical to think "This Means War". ;)

...but I think that is where your husband is coming from...
Obama said no matter what the UK and US are allies, so idk where you are getting this from.
May 6, 2016
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Upstate CA
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@ Tiny Termite Why on earth are you worried I'm a life long voter and was unable to vote in the 75 referendum due to being slightly too young.
But since then I have seen this country go down the pan taken there by successive governments both Labour and Conservative as such having the wisdom behind me I voted out , I am neither uneducated nor racist as to scaremongering the remain did very little else throughout the entire campaign it was the reason they lost .
Perhaps now we can set about putting the Great back into Britain beef up our depleted military, invest in housing, get our inventive minds working again have modern industry etc etc
I am sick to death living in Ripp off Britain, seeing pensioners living on the breadline because they can ill afford the cost of heating each winter
The disabled looked after rather than ripped off the chancelor who has yet again put his foot in his proverbial mouth and has gone into hiding yet again [ like some naughty little school boy].:(
Why because he hopes we have short memories and will forget the punishment budget he was spouting off about so he can become PM
I wouldnt worry about your children their future is going to be bright:) .
It has Parliament in a tail spin and might just shake it up a tad so that just maybe we can have a new constitution where this country is all inclusive and not just for the rich .
We opted into the common market back in 75 not an EU superstate I'm neither UKIP Tory or Labour am sick of being lied too by our MP's
Did you know mile after mile of corn is left to rot in French fields each and every year [why] because they are paid hansom subsidies to grow it but not to harvest it as one farmer told a very good friend of mine when he asked after seeing this in person whilst holidaying
Besides that being formerly of the Royal Navy and a proud "VOLUNTEER" serving Queen and Country I would like to ask you this question how would you like seeing your children and Grandchildren "CONSCRIPTED" into an EU force like many European countries do to their own youth ?

Wow, thats powerful. It seems there are so many sides! I wonder what that feels like! It would be funny if it wasnt so very sad. I thought it was an American problem, but obviously not. Seems noone can talk to each other anymore.
May 6, 2016
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Upstate CA
Hardiness Zone
Most likely will... but then will likely want to return back with UK... since it was UK (not the EU) that bailed out Scotland and Ireland's banking system sometime ago in 2008...

Scotland and Ireland has been leaching much from the UK...
Where did you learn that from?


coyotes call me Charles
Oct 23, 2011
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Dalhart Texas
Hardiness Zone
Obama said no matter what the UK and US are allies, so idk where you are getting this from.

Barack Obama: Brexit would put UK 'back of the queue' for trade talks .... and this is just one of the slights POTUS obama has made toward our most intimate allies...

That's how POTUS Obama treats quite intimate allies like the UK... but agreed to one heck of a sweet deal to our enemies like Iran and Cuba for absolutely nothing that will never help the citizens there...

[ late edit : ...bah...grr... wrong video ]

Won't matter... POTUS Obama is on his way out... so the slights he makes to our allies won't matter anymore... finally...

Where did you learn that from?

2008 United Kingdom bank rescue package
Last edited:
May 6, 2016
Reaction score
Upstate CA
Hardiness Zone
Barack Obama: Brexit would put UK 'back of the queue' for trade talks .... and POTUS obama has made remark

That's how POTUS Obama treats quite intimate, close allies like the UK... but agreed to one heck of a sweet deal to our enemies like Iran and Cuba for absolutely nothing that will never help the citizens there...

Won't matter... POTUS Obama is on his way out... so the slights he makes to our allies won't matter anymore... finally...

2008 United Kingdom bank rescue package
Tssk tssk, your texan is coming out. See? It isnt just a UK thing. Terrorism and economics and education and technology and propoganda has skewed everyone and noone can talk to anyone anymore. We all automatically take sides and we dont even know each sad.
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