Brexit Vote?

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coyotes call me Charles
Oct 23, 2011
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Dalhart Texas
Hardiness Zone
Just hang on, nothing we can do but wait it out. Being retired, yeah hate to see the stock market dive down............Luckily most of our funds are in "safer" funds.

@addy1 , yep, I asked my father the same question... fortunately, since he is not a big risk taker, makes sure to not lose principal, his portfolio was not hit hard at all.


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
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United States
I don't understand a lot of this but my husband came down and said we could be in for war across the world now for some reason or other. Why I asked but not sure what he was talking about?


coyotes call me Charles
Oct 23, 2011
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Dalhart Texas
Hardiness Zone
I don't understand a lot of this but my husband came down and said we could be in for war across the world now for some reason or other. Why I asked but not sure what he was talking about?

E.U. was basically created, at an attempt of "can't we all just get along" reconciliation, as a result of all the big wars among the countries in Europe. There is this thinking now that, if the E.U. dissipates, then all the European countries are going to want to start wars with each other.

So, now, there is also this thinking that the E.U. might just want to economically punish the U.K. (which unfortunately POTUS Obama and Hillary said they may support this type of punishment), which may result in a war between the U.K. and the E.U. ... and since USA and the U.K. are probably the strongest alliance in this world (we're basically siblings) and siblings look out for each other, then ya can figure what happens next if E.U. decides to economically punish the U.K.

I think a slight, bit, tremendously radical to think "This Means War". ;)

...but I think that is where your husband is coming from...


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
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United States
Hmmmmmm, this could be bad for Hillary it seems. Looks like Bernie and Trump agree on this one!
Nov 7, 2014
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Chicago suburbs
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E.U. was basically created, at an attempt of "can't we all just get along" reconciliation, as a result of all the big wars among the countries in Europe. There is this thinking now that, if the E.U. dissipates, then all the European countries are going to want to start wars with each other.

So, now, there is also this thinking that the E.U. might just want to economically punish the U.K. (which unfortunately POTUS Obama and Hillary said they may support this type of punishment), which may result in a war between the U.K. and the E.U. ... and since USA and the U.K. are probably the strongest alliance in this world (we're basically siblings) and siblings look out for each other, then ya can figure what happens next if E.U. decides to economically punish the U.K.

I think a slight, bit, tremendously radical to think "This Means War". ;)

...but I think that is where your husband is coming from...
I get where he's coming from, too. I was thinking about that too, what a mess a fragmented Europe could be, based on past history. It would obviously be the absolute worst-case scenario, but I put nothing past some of the yahoos that are in positions of power nowadays.
Feb 9, 2012
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High Desert Zone 7a
E.U. was basically created, at an attempt of "can't we all just get along" reconciliation, as a result of all the big wars among the countries in Europe. There is this thinking now that, if the E.U. dissipates, then all the European countries are going to want to start wars with each other.

So, now, there is also this thinking that the E.U. might just want to economically punish the U.K. (which unfortunately POTUS Obama and Hillary said they may support this type of punishment), which may result in a war between the U.K. and the E.U. ... and since USA and the U.K. are probably the strongest alliance in this world (we're basically siblings) and siblings look out for each other, then ya can figure what happens next if E.U. decides to economically punish the U.K.

I think a slight, bit, tremendously radical to think "This Means War". ;)

...but I think that is where your husband is coming from...

Yep, I am sure that is it, but I think people don't give European countries enough credit. It is an affront to their intelligence to say they need a parenting organization to hold their hands and keep them from going to war with each other.

I think that sort of rhetoric is fear mongering and unfounded.

As far as the markets. I have no concern as far as that goes. I am sure within a month or two things will bounce back. Now is not the time to pull out, but if anything get in at bargain prices.

Great Britain has been a strong nation before the EU and they will continue to be after the EU.


coyotes call me Charles
Oct 23, 2011
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Dalhart Texas
Hardiness Zone
@pecan , I absolutely agree with everything you wrote there..

It is an affront to their intelligence to say they need a parenting organization to hold their hands and keep them from going to war with each other.

...but... You do realize that was the essential mindset behind the creation of the E.U... so much so that the E.U. has become a humongous nanny organization...

...many European countries actually do think they need a "parenting organization" of sorts to encourage unity so to become "Global Citizens", or "Citizens of the World", and not a citizen of their particular country... The thinking is nationalism for one's own country or poverty is what persuaded many wars to occur in Europe... rather than them wanting to believe there is such a thing as Good and Bad... Europe has created some quite odd "lessons learned" from their history... such as we should be "Citizens of the World" ... or... an example of one of the odd "lessons learned" as a result of two World Wars... they believe that "fighting is bad" rather than we should "fight the bad"....

The E.U. aim is to be parents with open arms (i.e., open borders), that provides comfort (through regulations and welfare) to all of its children country's citizens, so they should never nor will ever have any desire to fight...

E.U. is basically trying to make John Lennon's "Imagine" song to be REAL....

Just imagine and the E.U. will make it possible for you. ;)

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Apr 28, 2011
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NW Louisiana -- zone 8b
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United States
Unfortunately, politics and economics are beyond my grasp, so I can't reallly offer an opinion, but like everyone else, am watching..... The UK has been such a strong presence in the world and a strong ally. I guess what I'm most worried about [as with any change] is the effects on world-wide stability. There's just TOO much going on right now in the world, and while "change" can be a good thing, rapid changes might spell disaster....... But only the UK can know what's best for it's citizens. (We've got our own problems on this side of the pond!) Keeping y'all in my thoughts & prayers!
Nov 16, 2015
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Willow Grove,PA
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United States
@pecan , I absolutely agree with everything you wrote there..

...but... You do realize that was the essential mindset behind the creation of the E.U... so much so that the E.U. has become a humongous nanny organization...

...many European countries actually do think they need a "parenting organization" of sorts to encourage unity so to become "Global Citizens", or "Citizens of the World", and not a citizen of their particular country... The thinking is nationalism for one's own country or poverty is what persuaded many wars to occur in Europe... rather than them wanting to believe there is such a thing as Good and Bad... Europe has created some quite odd "lessons learned" from their history... such as we should be "Citizens of the World" ... or... an example of one of the odd "lessons learned" as a result of two World Wars... they believe that "fighting is bad" rather than we should "fight the bad"....

@crsublette , I'm curious do you listen to Denis Prager? sounds like quotes out of his play book. All which I agree with!! There may be some bumpy roads ahead but I'm glad the Brits decided to cleanse themselves from the addictive nature of a welfare state. If only we could do he same here. It will be interesting to see the ripple effect.


coyotes call me Charles
Oct 23, 2011
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Dalhart Texas
Hardiness Zone
@crsublette , I'm curious do you listen to Denis Prager? sounds like quotes out of his play book. All which I agree with!!

@Gordo33 , yep, I mainly listen to his non-political hours, especially anytime he is interviewing someone, but his political hours are quite awesome. Due to the variety of hours and subject matter (..." there is much more to life than politics "...), I think his show is the most intellectual, comedic, commonsensical, and interesting talk show out there.

His calm stance of "clarity over agreement" is quite awesome toward those whom fervently disagree with him. In particular, Mr. Prager's philosophical and religious books, along with the individuals he has interviewed, have helped me tremendously in my personal life. He's a great dude. (y)
Last edited:
Nov 16, 2015
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Willow Grove,PA
Hardiness Zone
United States
@Gordo33 , yep, I mainly listen to his non-political hours, especially anytime he is interviewing someone, but his political hours are quite awesome. Due to the variety of hours and subject matter (..." there is much more to life than politics "...), I think his show is the most intellectual, comedic, commonsensical, and interesting talk show out there.

His calm stance of "clarity over agreement" is quite awesome toward those whom fervently disagree with him. In particular, Mr. Prager's philosophical and religious books, along with the individuals he has interviewed, have helped me tremendously in my personal life. He's a great dude. (y)
Well said. His Prager U videos are short concise and packed with useful information.
Oct 9, 2012
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Hardiness Zone
United Kingdom
I'm very Worried, I'm Worried for my Children's Children. People in the UK have been frightened by scaremongering tactics poisoning the minds of the weak and Un-Educated and worse of all is the UK is RACIST.

We should have stayed IN...
@ Tiny Termite Why on earth are you worried I'm a life long voter and was unable to vote in the 75 referendum due to being slightly too young.
But since then I have seen this country go down the pan taken there by successive governments both Labour and Conservative as such having the wisdom behind me I voted out , I am neither uneducated nor racist as to scaremongering the remain did very little else throughout the entire campaign it was the reason they lost .
Perhaps now we can set about putting the Great back into Britain beef up our depleted military, invest in housing, get our inventive minds working again have modern industry etc etc
I am sick to death living in Ripp off Britain, seeing pensioners living on the breadline because they can ill afford the cost of heating each winter
The disabled looked after rather than ripped off the chancelor who has yet again put his foot in his proverbial mouth and has gone into hiding yet again [ like some naughty little school boy].:(
Why because he hopes we have short memories and will forget the punishment budget he was spouting off about so he can become PM
I wouldnt worry about your children their future is going to be bright:) .
It has Parliament in a tail spin and might just shake it up a tad so that just maybe we can have a new constitution where this country is all inclusive and not just for the rich .
We opted into the common market back in 75 not an EU superstate I'm neither UKIP Tory or Labour am sick of being lied too by our MP's
Did you know mile after mile of corn is left to rot in French fields each and every year [why] because they are paid hansom subsidies to grow it but not to harvest it as one farmer told a very good friend of mine when he asked after seeing this in person whilst holidaying
Besides that being formerly of the Royal Navy and a proud "VOLUNTEER" serving Queen and Country I would like to ask you this question how would you like seeing your children and Grandchildren "CONSCRIPTED" into an EU force like many European countries do to their own youth ?

May 6, 2016
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Upstate CA
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Scotland and North Ireland voted to stay in the EU. So it could get worse if they decide to have a vote to break from the UK to stay in the EU. Britain, from what I understand, had it better being in the EU then any other EU country, so it came as a shock when the Leave vote came in. Many people that voted to leave are now realizing they were lied to when they were told it would be beneficial. And Cameron and the "Stay" side obviously did a terrible job of warning the public how bad leaving would effect their economy. I dont worry so much about the US, I worry about our allies and friends.
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