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@ Tiny Termite Why on earth are you worried I'm a life long voter and was unable to vote in the 75 referendum due to being slightly too young.
But since then I have seen this country go down the pan taken there by successive governments both Labour and Conservative as such having the wisdom behind me I voted out , I am neither uneducated nor racist as to scaremongering the remain did very little else throughout the entire campaign it was the reason they lost .
Perhaps now we can set about putting the Great back into Britain beef up our depleted military, invest in housing, get our inventive minds working again have modern industry etc etc
I am sick to death living in Ripp off Britain, seeing pensioners living on the breadline because they can ill afford the cost of heating each winter
The disabled looked after rather than ripped off the chancelor who has yet again put his foot in his proverbial mouth and has gone into hiding yet again [ like some naughty little school boy].
Why because he hopes we have short memories and will forget the punishment budget he was spouting off about so he can become PM
I wouldnt worry about your children their future is going to be bright.
It has Parliament in a tail spin and might just shake it up a tad so that just maybe we can have a new constitution where this country is all inclusive and not just for the rich .
We opted into the common market back in 75 not an EU superstate I'm neither UKIP Tory or Labour am sick of being lied too by our MP's
Did you know mile after mile of corn is left to rot in French fields each and every year [why] because they are paid hansom subsidies to grow it but not to harvest it as one farmer told a very good friend of mine when he asked after seeing this in person whilst holidaying
Besides that being formerly of the Royal Navy and a proud "VOLUNTEER" serving Queen and Country I would like to ask you this question how would you like seeing your children and Grandchildren "CONSCRIPTED" into an EU force like many European countries do to their own youth ?
We live in a very Dangerous World Dave54, we need Alias around us as we are just a very small community compared to the World. We need folk to be keeping an eye on our Fish Stocks, it's only been recent that we have been getting decent sized Cod in the U.K. Most Fishermen just want to earn more money, they are not interested in the Stocks getting low again, why spoil something that is working. I'm not worried about tomorrow or next year, I'm worried about my Children's Children, who haven't even been Born yet, they don't get a say about their Future, or if they ever get to eat Cod and Chip's like I remember.