When all is said and done, I dont mind WBs over thinking, as he DOES make us think more, and I would rather hear something over thought, then see someone not think enough. I just think (my opinion only) he was wrong on the product I was mentioning. Again tho, I am coming at them from a PROFESSIONAL stand point, and not as a DIY. From a PROFESSIONAL stand point, I can see issues with both your bog (which I really like), as well as your wall. Neither will stand LONG TERM without help. Landscape timbers are pretty, but we try to talk clients out of them... no matter how well they are done, wood rots... The blocks you have, a lot of folks use them, easy for a DIY project, but you would be hard pressed to find a professional willing to work with them. At low heights, they should be fine for a number of years. You can see water coming through at the corner, so that tells me that it was not backfilled to encourage proper drainage, that alone will take off the life of the blocks, as well as present an oppurtunity for the blocks to shift over the long term. They are small and light weight, so not a big deal to have to fix them. From a professional stand point, you want the quality of your work to shine, and NOT get called back for repairs that could have been avoided It's all a wash... what you want to pay for in both time and materials...