Wow, Johnnie, I would have been worried about the fish, too, and getting that coon out of the area! But, oh how funny it would have been to have a video of him trying to get untangled from your net! Better yet, to have a video of you spraying him with pepper spray while he was still somewhat tangled, get him good, bet he would not return for fish.

I sure hope the net incident keeps him from having second thoughts of coming back for more attempts! They will figure out the net and figure to go under it if they have the chance, so be sure it is secured well on all edges. Good luck! Raccoons are one wild animal that really thinks things through, very craft fellows. Fun to watch as babies, but not so fun when they get older and destructive. We are all enjoying T'Mann's babies, but he knows he will need to get rid of them sooner or later.

Your big coon sounds scary! I had no idea they would go swimming for the koi. Are they able to stand and catch the koi, or were they able to chase the koi into a corner where they could not get out? I'm soooo sorry to hear of their killings in your pond and glad you have a net to keep them out. I would be devastated if anything came and snatched any of my fish, koi or goldies!