Well we found 4 dead fans, our dishwasher was in the back shed, the one put in was dead, ours was dead, so doing replacement therapy now.
Almost ready to list the house, but having disagreements with the realtor about price level. I think he is low balling to get a quick sale, even though he says it may take 7-9 months to sale.
So we are getting an appraisal whom is coming this week.
The hard work is almost done, now tweaking cleaning, dusting windows ....................soon soon we can just enjoy.
I had my ex-employees over last night It was so great to see my work crew after all these years. The department fell apart after I left, it was a good gathering for them all to get together and gab. The hospital system has really changed since I left.
Weather here beautiful going back up to near 90ish but at least below 100! Current days sitting low 80