John, yes, that's what the guy was saying, keep the water moving to keep it from freezing, but thawing just a couple of times a week is sufficient, too, just keep the water moving is good. He said aerators were definitely needed in the heat of the summer, when the oxygen is depleting from the heat, but that the colder water keeps the oxygen level up. All new info to me, and that's why I'm putting it on here, to check it out and see if he knows what he's talking about He's one of those that loves to get new info, but loves MORE to give new info.

I'm the type that is always looking to absorb new, and so he sees me as someone he can educate, and he HAS, but I still don't really understand all the nitrite, nitrate, KH, GH, and why the levels are where they are. I guess I didn't care much for chemistry or biology. Should ask my daughter, the biology teacher.

As I said, I'm not saying that this guy is right, just wondering what others have to say about it. I think in the end we all do what we decide after reading everyone's opinions and facts. And, in the end, whatever works best for each of us is what is best for us.

Sissy, I think your use of an aerator is definitely what the majority say, and what I am or may use as well.