I see what you were getting at now, but I think I would be afraid of cracking/destroying the rocks if I tried that.
Mostly I was trying to find cool ones and hiding them prominently in the landscape for added interest. Its kind of an idea I think I got from when I was reading up on Japanese gardens. I was thinking of that style for awhile, read half a dozen books, learned a lot of the styles and rules, then learned that I wanted to just create a garden by my rules which is to say there really aren't any, I just kind of make it up as I go. Any time I make a plan I revise it so much that it usually never looks the same as when I started. But the idea I took was from Japanese Stroll Gardens, that there is always something hidden around the next bend, at any rate I got the idea from somewhere of hiding unique features in my gardens to capture the interest of the viewer as they examined the garden in closer detail. Also the idea that something can be viewed uniquely and differently from many vantage points throughout the garden. All of this lead to the paths, the unique stones placed throughout the landscape, the hidden stepping stones in front of my filter water falls, the idea that things will look different when viewed from the yard, the deck, or the pergola bench in the back of the garden. It kind of made it fun to plan, and I like the idea that everyone will notice something different about it. It would be nice drive for you Sissy! lol I would guess 14-15 hours or so. It took my brother and I about 13 1/2 a few years back when we went to Smokey Mountains National Park. If you do, just don't let anyone see you. We have plenty to go around and I have never seen any signs against rock picking (just flora and fauna), but I'm sure the park system here would frown upon it.
Thanks for that, I don't thin the rock planters might necessarily be for me, but it would be worth it to pick that up (especially since we now have a harbor freight in town) and try to make one for my mom who I think would love it! Let me know if you ever try it (Sissy, you too please)