Cape, my parents both were born and raised in Wisconsin, so it was my father's goal to make sure all 6 of us kids knew how to drive on the snow and ice. Once we had ice covered roads, I lived with my parents, about 4 blocks from the office. My dad literally pushed my little car up to the middle of the road. Didn't seem to be sloped at all until it was covered in ice. He told me to keep moving, no fast turns, just crawl all the way to the office. I was the only car on the road, and made it. There were only 2 of us that made it to the office, out of 10! I have a wide front end utility tractor with a loader. If I get too much snow, I use it to push the driveway and lane to the barn. I have a 4WD truck for bad weather. My Charger NEVER goes out when the weather is even possibly to get bad. That ice storm this past January caught me by surprise. A 15 minute drive on the interstate took 45 minutes, and the accident was on the exit ramp. Took another 4 hours to get home, after waiting 2 hours for the State police, then another 2 hours for his report. But, by the time I was heading home, the County had rocked the highway I had to take to get home.

Craig, I totally understand your feeling of sliding and sliding and no control of the slide! I learned on previous vehicles that when I would slide, if I shifted into neutral, the engine quit trying to "push" and the slide usually stopped. I didn't think of that in my sliding accident, though. It was VERY slow motion, less than 5 mph, going sideways, I had time to say, "Oh no oh no oh no ..... NOOOOOO" LOL And it started a mere 15' from the trailer, so that was a really slow motion slide.
Fishy, your Toby is adorable! I always thought they were so cute, but had not seen a pot belly for many years. He looks very spoiled and loved!
The Mojito I think I got 2 of is either too small to show the color, or that was one of the ones that did not live. I got 3 different colors. Hi/Lo was one (green and white) and I don't remember the other color at the moment. I have 4 that survived, so will see how they do next year. Have them inside, so I guess they can continue to grow through the winter inside.
I have the Caesar's Brother Siberian iris. I just got it last year, and separated it this spring. They really multiply fast and bloom beautifully! Those day lilies will be great, too!