Wild fish found in Koi Pond

Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
Cape Cod, MA
I'll be very happy if two in particular are definitely koi. One I am pretty sure that it is koi now. The other, I am hoping. It most definitely has barbels, and its color has gone nearly pure black (including the belly), with really long fins (we have both standard fin and butterflies). The only color on it is faint tracings on the head in silver.
Oct 9, 2012
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Hardiness Zone
United Kingdom
The meaning of the Ochiba Shiguri I believe is Rain on Autumn Leaves Craig


Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Of the goldfish babies I have had, either they are born black, change to orange, or they are born orange/white and variations of that. I have a tiny baby that I just found in the goldfish pond, it's only about 1", and it's white, has red on the tail and a couple tiny spots on the belly, and a black spot on the head. My orange/white variations have kept their color from last year to this year. The only ones that are changing are the black ones.
I'm still waiting to hear if anyone has raised fantail babies in their ponds! I have about a dozen of different sizes and wondering if I will ever get any babies, or maybe they will cross breed with the Sarassas, Comets, Shubunkins.
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Fishy, you are close enough to come get some from me in the spring! I'd give you goldfish, and I'll have koi too in the spring. I know I have 4 koi babies, and I also have several larger ones that are same color so will be getting rid of some of them, too. Can't remember do you have goldfish or koi or both? Either way, I'd have plenty to share, and some really pretty Comets (long fins) and of the 4 baby koi, one looks to be butterfly as well!
Jul 15, 2012
Reaction score
Southern Indiana, US Zone 6b
I have several koi, two comets, a shubby, two carnival goldfish :D a handful of fantails and ryunkins So far no babies from the fantails LOL I would love to come visit you country! Have lots of lots of plant starts I could bring ya if you want em. I got a ton of clearance plants today from a nursery here :D and the 27th hubby is taking me to a plant auction!! Can't wait.... But today I got a new elephant ear called 'Mojito' have you seen it? Beautiful! Everything I got can be split; roots are busting at the seams!
got several Irises, including a Variegated Japanese Iris :)
Also a 'Bird of Paradise' canna, and a Huge Palm for 9$ and lots of other stuff. Lol.... Can you tell I'm excited?!?!? Lol. Have you ever split canna's this will be my first year with canna's ( really first year with Tropicals period).
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
OMG, Fishy, you got some great plants!!! I got two Mojito Elephant Ears this past summer, from Ebay, but they are pretty small yet. Going to over winter them inside. I soooo bad want a Japanese Iris!!! It was my goal to find one this summer, no luck. Saw them at the St. Louis Botanical Gardens, and they are outstanding specimens! If yours multiplies, I'd love to get a start from it.
I didn't care much for the cannas I had this year, but maybe I got cheapos. They either didn't bloom (ok, I understand maybe first year won't) or got really tall, with a little bitty bloom. Figured I did something wrong. Going to save only a few of them and see if they do better next year. Like the shorter more compact plants. I think I got a grab bag of bulbs, so probably nothing fancy. Going to save my black taros, my two largest elephant ears (which are only about 3' tall at most each) and the new plants that will come inside with the banana plant that is in the same pot with them. I also got a 6' tall palm from Menards this summer for $11, that one has to come inside, too. My sliding glass door is going to be full of plants, I fear! Always loved the bird of paradise plants! Bet that Canna is gorgeous!
I also have 3 tropical water lilies to bring inside but they are still growing really well. The King of Siam has 3 flower buds, but they are not coming to the surface to bloom, so maybe too cold. That's ok, just glad it's growing really well so next year it will be even larger and I'll be able to split it. Have that one (deep purple) a deep red night bloomer (that's supposed to stay open until about 9 or 10 a.m.) and another deep rose colored tropical day bloomer.
You were surely jesting on the "27th husband" part, right?!!! LOL
Jul 15, 2012
Reaction score
Southern Indiana, US Zone 6b
OMG, Fishy, you got some great plants!!! I got two Mojito Elephant Ears this past summer, from Ebay, but they are pretty small yet. Going to over winter them inside. I soooo bad want a Japanese Iris!!! It was my goal to find one this summer, no luck. Saw them at the St. Louis Botanical Gardens, and they are outstanding specimens! If yours multiplies, I'd love to get a start from it.

There are several risomes in the gallon pot I got.... :) I would love to share!

I didn't care much for the cannas I had this year, but maybe I got cheapos. They either didn't bloom (ok, I understand maybe first year won't) or got really tall, with a little bitty bloom. Figured I did something wrong. Going to save only a few of them and see if they do better next year. Like the shorter more compact plants. I think I got a grab bag of bulbs, so probably nothing fancy.
Going to save my black taros, my two largest elephant ears (which are only about 3' tall at most each) and the new plants that will come inside with the banana plant that is in the same pot with them.

My HARTY Banana tree had a baby.... Yes I said HARTY :D it's your if you want it?

I also got a 6' tall palm from Menards this summer for $11, that one has to come inside, too.

I'll take pictures of the plants I got, it has several offspring in the pot, needs transplanting soon I suppose. For sure needs a bigger pot! Lol. It's gorgeous... I just hope it survives in my house, what with the kids the pig and a cat lol!

My sliding glass door is going to be full of plants, I fear! Always loved the bird of paradise plants! Bet that Canna is gorgeous!

I hope so... But with your bad luck with them this year, hope I plant them right this spring.

You were surely jesting on the "27th husband" part, right?!!! LOL

Oops :D typo lol. On the 27th of October! My husband is taking me to a plant auction hahaha :) nursery going out of business
NoNo. Not planning on EVER getting remarried again.. Much less 27 times haha :D
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
My green banana tree is a hardy, too, but I'm going to bring it in, didn't plant it outside yet. Hear you have to mulch it pretty well to survive the winter, unless we have another one like last winter! I have a green/red leaf banana, too, and it has about 5 offshoots. As soon as I figure out how to separate them, I'll share as well!!! We will have to visit each other sometime, maybe in the spring when we can share fish and plants and stories! I would really enjoy that. I would drive that far no problem just to get a start of that Japanese Iris! When I spotted them at the botanical gardens, I was in awe. Very different flowers than a normal iris, just gorgeous! You will want to separate it and put it all around so you get lots of places with that pretty flower next year.
Haha, whew! Maybe I'll wait until after Oct. 27 to come visit. LOL Glad that was the case, and not the 27th husband! I probably just read it wrong. :)
HOLD ON!!! Did you say you have a PIG in your house? I want pictures! :LOL: :luxlove: :LOL:
Jul 15, 2012
Reaction score
Southern Indiana, US Zone 6b
Lol yes :) I have a pot belly. His name is Tolbert ( we call him Toby ) he's 4 months ( bare in mind though that this 4 mo. old weighs 47lbs hah! ). and he is just a riot! I gave him his weekly bath last nite ( sooo funny to watch, he hates it hah!! ). so I'll take some picture today.
Going to be a beautiful day for Gardening! :)

Well ill keep a Japanese iris with your name on it :D. I've never seen a red/green leaf banana bet it's pretty! And I can't wait to see the 'bird of paradise' bloom. I really am excited about getting my yard and gardens in shape, and finally have the time to do it. We have two in college now and practically out of the house (lol) and two in high school, one in middle school and then Brayden who's in Kindergarden :) It's so nice to have kids that are more self sufficient.
Although, I went out to get the paper this morning and noticed my 17 yr old wrecked my Firebird last night... :wacko: This should be interesting!! You know that the kids now days like to do this thing called 'Drifting' and there is dust and dirt all over it!!
And I wonder why I have to die my hair!! Hah!!
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
Cape Cod, MA
Yikes... get up to a wrecked car??? Hope you get a better story than the one we got a few years ago... and we only wanted an explanation to why our RED truck had a WHITE stripe... SURE it was hit in a parking lot... a couple years after the fact, we hear our daughter HIT a white car in said parking lot... not the other way around... younger sister finally tattled! This morning, walking back into the house from getting coffee, hubby notices a dent high on our 17 yr olds truck, but at least it is her truck LOL. Cant wait to hear what happend to your firebird!

Would love to see pics of all these plants... and Toby too:)
Jul 15, 2012
Reaction score
Southern Indiana, US Zone 6b
Ok I'll take pics :)
Talked to my son  he was drifting in a field. I swear I get older by the day! He was showing off to his friends no doubt. You know, we were young once, lord knows I did some stupid things in my time, but it's not his car! We just bought him his first car a week ago, but it's not ready to drive yet, needs a sensor for the transmission. He may not get his car to drive if he's not careful.
Sigh, on the my therapy that is ponding, lol, at least the fish don't talk back!! :D
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
Cape Cod, MA
Drifting huh? Hubby still does that, but with 10 wheels... he refuses to grow up LOL.

As to your son... I would be flipping... tell him to do that shit with HIS car LOL. AND being the mean parent that I am, I would make him fix your Firebird before I would get around to getting his car on the road LOL.
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Yep, Capewind, that would be a true fix to Fishy's son. LOL I'm still not sure what "drifting" is. Sounds like spinning circles in the dirt maybe, or doing burnouts in the dirt, so the tires don't ruined ... as fast? I've never heard that phrase before. And, whatever it is, I hope I can picture your husband, Cape, doing it with a 10 wheeler! OMG! I must be way off with my guess. LOL
Toby sounds adorable, Fishy! Can't wait to see pics. Is he potty trained? I always heard pot belly pigs are easy to potty train, but not sure where they go potty! Outside? Or in litter box? I can't remember.
Any my red/green varigated leaf banana plant has something like 4 or 5 shoots, so that would be 4 or 5 plants, so if I ever get it figured out how to separate them (they are all on the same trunk of sorts, so not sure how to take them apart), I will be thrilled to find new homes for all but one or two!
And, Fish, where is that auction on Oct. 27? I would love to come join you in the action! Promise not to out bid you on anything. :razz:

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