In case I haven’t explained it well, the house and land were all in my step moms name, they figured my dad would die first. They were only common law married, which isn’t recognized by courts any more, so when she died unexpectedly with out a will, it all went to her kids, of which one is in Alabama and only wants money, the other doesn’t want to stay here. So feb 8th is the final court date, so Dad and I can buy it from him. Once they are gone, we will start fixing it up as we want. When Dad passes away, it will be mine, so I’m looking to make it nice for us both, not just his style, but not just what I want either. He’s very western, so I’ll do what I can to find paints and styles that compliment that. I’m more into soothing natural colors than just sands and browns. I love blue and purple, copper