Today’s project: the circle in the drive. I went out, trimmed the rose bush back so I can get at the tree saplings growing in it, tried to burn off the grass, found that the bulbs are starting to sprout, so I gathered up all the planters I can find, plus other things I can use as a planter, and put them around the gazebo. Then hauled buckets of compost till I could haul the compost bin, filling planters as I don’t have enough soil to fill all of them. 3 hollow tree stumps, 2 cat litter buckets, an old cooler that’s cracked and lost the lid, and all the planters I had around that Ive found so far. 20 in total at this time. The compost os full of worms! The top layer was all the hunk from the pond, bottom layer is super rich, lots of plant matter, egg shells, what ever went into it, it’s rich! So tomorrow, I’ll go out and gather more planters, fill them, divide what dirt I have amongst the ones that need it, and start digging up bulbs. That will be the hard part, I’ll start with the ones around the gazebo, get them replanted into containers. Then I’ll have to go down to the river/ edge of the woods, gather dirt to fill in the holes, then I can start on the other bulbs. There are iris clumps in two or three spots, not doing too well due to shade and one area is choked by tiger lillies, and got stomped over by dogs. Then who knows how many clumps of daffodils scattered all over, and random other flower bulbs. The gazebo this year will be full of and surrounded by flowers. So this week I’ll be busy!